Masturbation kink-Wanda Maximoff

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You've been with Wanda for a couple of months now and you've yet to tell her about one of your big kinks. Masturbation. Either you were in a relationship with a girl or a boy, them masturbating in front of you would turn you on immensely.

So, at this moment you were in an intense make-out session with her and you could feel her not so little friend getting awake. You were on her lap so you felt her dick getting hard in her sweat pants against your center. You grinded on her a little and she groans, tightening her arms around your waist. In this relationship, you were both switches, so one night Wanda could be all dominant on you, and sometimes it would be the opposite. After a while of kissing you did a trail of kisses from her jaw to her neck to finally make a stop at her earlobe. You sucked on it and pull away with a pop. She moaned a little and you got off her lap. "Ahhhh baby, why are you stopping now?" Wanda said while she had a pout on her face. You chuckle while stroking her thigh. "Were not stopping, I just want to tell you something." She nods her hand mentioning for you to go on. "Well ever since forever I had a masturbation kink like it would turn me on a lot if you would touch yourself in front of me, but if you're not into this it's-" She cut your rambling by placing a frim kiss to your lips. "I never tried, but I'm sure it would do something to me." She smirks and got off the bed. She removed all her clothes and when her dick sprung free your mouth waters. She got back on the bed beside you and said. "If we're doing this, it's not only me." You didn't have to be told twice, your clothes were gone in seconds. When you place yourself back on the bed, you made your way closer to Wanda so your shoulder was touching. You spread your legs and you put your left leg on top of her right one. She started stocking her cock and she let out a shaky breath. You watch this and you felt yourself getting soaked. Your eyes were drifting from her dick to her face and you moan at the sight. You trailed your hand to your core and you immediately shoved two fingers inside of you. Wanda moans at the feeling of her hand on her cock and the sight of your fingers disappearing inside of you. You both continued to touch yourself while moaning each other's name. "Fuck Wanda! Yes!" "Oh, baby fuck it feels so good Y/N" The moment, the situation was so hot for both of you that it only took a couple of minutes for you to cum on your hand and Wanda to explode on her stomach. You both relax for a while, panting close to each other. Wanda got up to wipe her stomach and came back on the bed next to you. she lifts herself up on her elbow to look down at you. Her free hand was drawing patterns on your stomach. You hummed in response. "So, that was hot." You chuckle and said "Yeah, it really was" Wanda was already starting to grow hard again at the sight of you. You felt her cock poke your leg. "Are you getting horny again?" "I can't help it when I saw you." You smirk and push her on her back. "Oh yeah?" You straddle her and grind on her cock to make it grow harder. You both moan at the feeling. She from the stimulation, and you from the feeling of her cock rubbing your clit. After a while, you lift yourself only to get back down onto her dick. "Fuck you're so big" You stayed down to adjust to her size and start to bounce on her. Her cock felt so good inside of you, hitting all the good spots. "Fuck baby, you feel so good around my dick." You were both moaning like crazy. Not only did Wanda had your tuts bouncing in front of her eyes, but she could also watch her dick disappear inside of your tight cunt and she adored the view. She sat up a little so she could attach her lips to your erected nipples. "God yes, suck on my tits Wands." Hearing each other moan was so arousing for both of you. "Baby, I'm close" Wanda was panting like a bitch, but so were you. "Let's cum together" seconds later Wanda felt your juice dripping on her thigh and that made her burst into you. You rode her a little while for you both to ride out the orgasm. You lift yourself of her dick and cuddle into her side. "That was amazing baby," Wanda said while playing with your hair. "Yes, it was." And you both fell asleep.

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now