Are you sure?-Natasha Romanoff

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In your previous relationship, when it came to sex your partner never really ask if you wanted first. I mean yes sometimes the mood was there and you wanted to. But after that one time you said no to her, you always did it even if you didn't want to. Your ex was always the one to choose either you were having sex and you didn't dare to say no a second time. She was abusive and you were so grateful that you dared to leave her. She did try to contact you again but now that she was out of your life and you didn't love her anymore, you had the force to attack back when she did. You were a skilled SHIELD agent and we're able to defend yourself. So after a couple of attempts to win you back, she gave up and let you live your life. This was the best decision you ever made because it gave you Natasha Romanoff. The perfect girlfriend you could ever dream of. She always had her eyes on you but knew you were in a relationship. When she heard you talk to your friend on the phone saying it was over with your ex for good, she didn't wait long to invite you on a date. Since that date, you have had the chance to call her yours.

It had been now 7 months and you haven't had sex with her yet. You knew she would not force you to do anything but you couldn't help yourself, you were afraid. So every time you would get lost in each other's embrace, devouring each other's mouth, you always find yourself slowing down to stop totally the make-out. You wanted to, God you wanted to touch her but you couldn't, not yet. She didn't seem to mind that you two didn't do it yet. it's like she feels that you can't do anything yet because she never pushes for anything more than kissing. You will be forever grateful for this.

Tonight you decided it was the night. You would have a conversation with her before though. So now you were comfortable in her arms on the couch watching one of your series. She was playing with your hair while you had your hand under her shirt scratching her stomach. You could feel her abs contract under your fingers and you smile to yourself. You removed yourself from her arms to speak with her. She looked at you confused and you couldn't look at her in the eyes so you look in your lap and played with your finger. "Nat, you know we h-haven't had sex yet a-and I know 7 months is long but I have a good explanation. M-my ex forced me multiple times to do it a-and it took me some time to gain trust in you but n-now I'm ready." You look up at her and You could see in her eyes that she was angry. "She did what?! Wait here I'm gonna go and find that bitch." She went to get up but you jump to straddle her. "No natty, I'm good now, I'm happy with you." She smiles at you and said. "You know I wasn't mad for this right? I mean our relationship is not based on sex, but I'm proud that you confess this to me. And I swear that bitch is dead." You giggle and lunged forwards to capture her lips with your own. It soon turned into a passionate kiss and there is a moan that came out but you didn't know which one of you let it out. You back off a little a said. "I'm ready" "Are you sure baby?" Just the fact that she asks you this to make sure you wanted to make you want her more. "Yes, now make love to me." She smiled happily and pick you up to bring you into the room. She put you on your shared bed gently and crawled on top of you. It didn't take long for both of you to be naked and you suddenly flip her so you were on top. "Mmmh baby, do you like to control in bed?" You smirk and went to kiss her neck she moan and you said. "You'll see my love" You made a trail of kisses from her neck to her breast and you took a nipple in your mouth. You suck gently for a while and move to the other one. She arches her back to push it more into your mouth. She was a squirming mess under you and this made you hornier. "Tell me what you need Natasha" You mumble with her nipple still in your mouth. "Fuck, I need you inside of me Y/N/N, please." Your hand made its way between your bodies and you moan at how wet she was. You push two of your fingers inside of her and start to pound into her. "Y/N! Harder!" She was moaning your name over and over again as you went harder with each thrust. You put your head in her neck again to suck on her sweet spot. You felt her clench around your fingers so you went close to her ear and whisper. "Cum for me Natasha." You bit on her earlobe afterwards and she came on your fingers with a loud cry. You let her come down from her high and removed your fingers. You went to suck on them but she took your wrist and take them in her mouth to lick them clean. You were speechless at this sight and she brought you into a kiss so you could taste her. Your tongue slides across hers and you both moan at the feeling. She caught you off guard and flip you over so she was on top once again. You moan loudly when you felt her sucking on your earlobe. "you're not the only one that likes to be on top baby." with that she made her way lower and lower and when she was facing your center she looks into your eyes silently asking your permission. You nod your head and you couldn't be more in love with this woman. She sucked your clit into her mouth gently and you scream her name. She licked your folds expertly and it felt amazing. It didn't take long for you to be close to your orgasm."Fuck Tasha, I-I'm close." "Let me taste all of you, cum baby." And fuck you did, you squirt right into her mouth. She swallows all of your juice happily and lies herself beside you on the bed. It took you a while to recover from this orgasm. You went closer to her and lay almost on top of her. She hugs you close to her and you felt safe. You felt loved. You couldn't stop yourself and said. "Thank you." She kissed your head and said. " you don't have to baby girl, it's normal." You nod your head on her chest and relaxed for a while. "Second round?" You said while moving to straddle her waist. She grabs your ass to make you grind onto her stomach and said " Fuck yes."

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now