Riding thigh-Wanda Maximoff

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"Hi baby" Wanda kissed you on the cheek when she entered the kitchen where you were making breakfast for everybody. You were making loads of eggs, bacon and pancakes. "Hey Wanda" You smile at her and instead of her you went for her lips and peck them. She blushes a little at this gesture, she always seems to be shy when you do this. Anyway, you had finished everything when everyone made their way to the table and they all thanked you before diving in. You and Wanda have been dating for a little over a month and it's only been like a week and a half since you two had your first time. It was amazing for both of you and you've been doing it almost every day since that first time. You are so attracted to her that it actually hurts. You were watching her eating her pancakes right now and fuck was she hot. She ate the last piece of it and a small drip of sirup stayed on her bottom lip and you had to resist the urge to go there and suck it in your mouth. She licked her bottom lips sensually without even knowing what she was doing. So, so innocent. You wanted to rail her so bad right now.

After breakfast, you ask Wanda if she wanted to watch a movie in your room and she said yes. You had just put the movie on that you were already in a make-out session. Both of you removed the other's clothes quickly and you brought her on you for her to straddle you. You could feel her wetness on your thigh and you groan at the feeling. You put your hands on her hips to make her grind on it. "Fuck Y/N, feels good" You guide her hips at a slow pace while you were still kissing passionately. You could tell she needed more because she was trying to move faster but you did not let her. "Please baby, I need more" You went down her neck to suck on her sweet spot and she let out a shaky breath. You went lower to mark her chest. When you suck a nipple unto your mouth you made her go faster on your leg and she moans your name loud. This was the first time you were doing this thing in bed, it was always eating out or fingering. "You like that Wanda? You like rubbing your cunt against my thigh?" "God yes Y/N/N, faster" Who you were to deny her that? So you let her go at her own pace and god was this the best thing you've ever seen. She was going so fast that you were asking yourself if she didn't have some of Pietro's power. She was moaning your name over and over again and the only thing you could do was to watch the scene before you. Soon you felt a lot of juice on your thigh and she shook on top of you. You sat up and took her in your arms to let her get down from her high. After a while, she said, "Fuck baby this was good." You only hummed in response and lift your head as a sign that you wanted a kiss. She got the message and went forwards to kiss you. When she bit on your bottom lip you lost it. You flip her over so that you were hovering over her and continued to kiss her. You were so lost in the kiss that you didn't notice that Wanda had put one of her legs in between yours and was about to lift it on your cunt. When you felt it you immediately started to grind on it at a fast pace. You were already so close to your orgasm from what you've witness moments before. She was caressing your thighs or your breast to bring you faster to your high. "You are so beautiful baby, keep going, cum all over my thigh." You moan at her words. "Your skin feels so damn good on my clit Wanda." Seconds later Wanda flex her thigh and this pushed you over the edge. With a loud scream, you fell on top of her breathless. You hid your face in the crook of her neck and you snuggle closer to her. "I have a riding thigh kink now." She said seriously and you chuckle before you both took a necessary nap.

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now