Fill me up-Natasha Romanoff

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Nat G!p

You decide to surprise your girlfriend in her work hours, where she would fill some paper works in her office at SHEILD. You wore a beautiful dress, sexy but not too much so she didn't know what you had in mind. You knocked on her office door and she yelled to come in. "Hi, Nat," You said while shutting the door and locking it discreetly. "It's you, baby, Hey." You spoke to her as you made your way towards her desk. "You look like you have a lot to do babe, do you think you have time to have lunch with me?" You said as you were getting closer and closer. She looked at you up and down and said. "Of course baby, I always got time for you." You had made your way over to her desk chair and push her back a little so you could sit on the edge of the desk. By doing so your dress had got up a little so you kept one leg down and put the other on the side of the chair. Nat had a perfect view of you pretty little cunt, that to her surprise was not covered. She bit her lip and you could see a bulge form in her pants. Before she could say anything you parted your legs more and said in a seductive voice. " Come and eat your lunch Agent Romanoff" God did this turned her on. She pushed her face directly into your pussy that was already wet for her. She immediately started to suck on your clit and eat you out like it was her last meal. Like she didn't have anything to eat for days. She did so many tricks with her tongue on you that within minutes you felt yourself cum with a loud moan in her mouth. "Oh fuck Nat!" She licked and swallowed all of your juice and sit back properly in her chair. You still had your head falling back, trying to catch your breath. She caresses your thigh while you recovered. "So what are the honours for such a good lunch." She said with a smirk. You look at her and said, "Well you've been working a lot lately and I've been horny all damn morning, so I decided to make you a surprise." She pulled you onto her lap so you could straddle her, you moan when you felt her cock bump into you. You didn't notice that she removed her pants while you were recovering from your orgasm. So now you were grinding on her and her grey boxer were stain in your juice. Nat groans and lifts her hips to pull down her boxer just enough to let her cock out. You let out a loud moan when you felt her entered you. She let yourself adjusted to her size and let you decide when to move since you were on top. You started kissing her with so much passion and desire, your tongues were having their own dance and this kiss alone made you both moan in each other's mouth. During your make-out session, you made a circular motion with your hips and Nat groan against your lips and grab your ass to push into you further if that is even possible. You removed yourself from the kiss and started to ride her. Hard and slow at the beginning. You removed your dress and bra, being completely naked in front of the woman you adore. She immediately attached her mouth to your nipple and that made you moan and you ride her cock faster. She moans when she felt you clenched around her, you smirk knowing you had her wrapped around your finger at this moment. "God baby, do it again." You did it again a few times but a couple of seconds later you were close to cum and you could tell by the sweat on her forehead she was too. So you went faster and harder on her cock. You were both moaning very loud."Fuck baby i-i need to pull out" You were on birth control so you let her from time to time cum into you because it felt amazing. "Fill me up Nat, I want to feel your cum deep inside my pussy." She groans and said"Yes, yes baby" In seconds you felt her cum shoot into you and that made you tumble over the edge.

You both kissed lazily until you gain your breath back. Her cock was still inside of you but it was soft again. You still wanted her so bad, you couldn't get enough of her. So you clenched around her and she groans against your lips. "Again baby?" You went and suck her earlobe in your mouth and whisper "Yes Natasha, I want you to take me against the wall Agent." You could feel her cock grow hard again inside of you. You moan at the feeling. She got up with her cock still inside of you and slam you against the nearest wall. She instantly starts to pound into you at a fast pace. "Fuck yes! Take me, Agent Romanoff, make me yours!" She moans into your ear. "Yes baby, let everyone know who you belong to." Your moans only grew louder. She was going at a ridiculously fast-paced and hard. With each thrust your lower back would be a slam against the wall, that would hurt tomorrow. "Nat I'm so close" Her face was in your neck and she was panting. "I know baby, me too" After a couple more trust you came together with a loud moan that you tried to cover with kissing each other. You both relaxed and she finally let your feet touch the floor. Your legs tremble and almost fall but Nat catch you. "Fuck that was amazing Y/N, will you come to visit me more often?" "Oh, definitely"

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now