Chapter 1

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In Asgard the princess was very upset. Y/N is the youngest child of Odin and the only princess.

Y/N: You are serious? I have to go there?

Assessor: Yes your highness

Y/N: Who decided this?!

Assessor: Your older brother, Thor.

Y/N: Urgg, fine. When do I have to go?

Assessor: Today at sun set.

Y/N: You gotta be kidding right now

Assessor: Sorry princess. This are the orders.

Y/N: I can't wait for my 18° birthday. Tell the maids to start packing my things. I have to do something before leaving.

Assessor: Yes your highness

He goes in the opposite direction as me.

I go by the shadows of the castle to it's gate. With a simple little transformation magic I get by the guards.

I walk all the way to the Pub. I go up the stairs and enter a room.

Y/N: HI Anna.

Anna I my dearest friend. With her I can be my self and not be judged by every thing I do.

Anna: Y/N, you can undo the magic.

I undo the transformation

Y/N: I am pissed of with Thor!

Anna: What did he do this time?

Y/N: He wants me to go to earth and live with him.

Anna: That doesn't seem that bad. For how long?

Y/N: He didn't tell me. He only said that I'll be going tonight.

Anna: Then let's make this day a Farewell party! After all, we won't be seeing each other for a while.

Y/N: Anna, you are the best friend I could ask for! Now let's party!

I do another transformation so I can go out. The princess can't go walking by the city normally. Specially without guards.

We did every single one of our favorite things in the city. We are exhausted, but happy.

Anna: This. Was. The. Best day of my life.

Y/N: Same here, but I have to go. It's almost night.

Anna: I'll miss you girl.

Y/N: So am I. I will be back as soon as possible

Anna: Hey hear me. You have to enjoy your time! Your going to new places, meet new people. Maybe a boy

Y/N: You idiot

Anna: But you get what I am saying. Don't be mad and think everything  is going to suck or else it will. Promise me you will try.

Y/N: Who are you? My mom?

Anna: Y/N

Y/N: Ok, I Promise.

Anna: Thank you. Now go have an awesome time.

Y/N: I will.

We hug and I go back to the castle.

Assessor: Where were you your highness?!

Y/N: Having some fun.

Assessor: You know you shouldn't use your powers like this. It's not the right thing.

Y/N: My older brother is Loki. Don't come and tell me what is right or wrong.

Assessor: Sorry princess. Your brother has arrived.

Y/N: Take me to him.

We walk to the thone room. And there he was.

Thor: Sis! Long time no see!

He cames and hugs me. So I hug him back.

Thor: I am glad you decided to came.

Y/N: I wasn't given a choice brother.

Thor: Don't be so serious. It will be fun. Came on let's go.

My things were already there, so I took the bags and walked after him.

We stepped on the transfer platform.

Thor: Prepare ourselve, this might be a little hard for you.

Y/N: I am not a fragile girl Thor. Did you forget I am still a goddess?

Thor: You're right sorry.

The lights surround us. Here we go.

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