Capítulo 16

686 17 7

The person destroyed the second and last ship. Then she came directly towards me.

Carol: You must be Thor's sister.

Y/n: Y/N, nice to meet you.

Carol: I will take care of this.

She takes the gauntlet and Flys off.

Some enemies come in our direction. We start to fight while we talk.

Y/n: Who does she think she is?

Thor: Don't argue with her. It won't end well.

Y/n: And why is

I sense something. Something bad.

Wait, we're is Wanda's magic? It was so strong seconds ago.

Thor: What?

Y/n: Wanda.

I fly off there in the direction her magic was.

She is in the ground unconscious.

Thanos: Another one who dares to challenge me.

Y/n: Yes I do.

I can control metal now, so a start to tighten his armor around him.

I make earth pilars to hold him. I take the water and make ice needles, pointing to his vital points.

I am surprised he has the gauntlet already.

Y/n: Can someone take this God dam gauntlet away from him already?!

Steve and Tony get here.

Steve: Nice work kid

Y/n: Get it already! I can't hold him much longer!

They try to get it, but Thanos won't let them.

Thanos brakes through my magic, we are blown away.

Thanos: I am inevitable


He snaps his fingers. Wait, nothing happened?

He looks at the gauntlet, where are the stones?!

Tony: Lost something there Thanos?

No, he has ne stones. If he does this he will die.

I can't let him do this. He has Morgan, he has to be with her.

I control the metal in the gauntlet he made and bring it to me.

I put it in my had. It is so painful, it's too much power

Y/n: I can't let you do this Tony.

Tony: Don't do this kid! 

I am going to sacrifice to safe all of you.

I cover my arm with a lot of pure magic. Trying to protect myself some how

I snap my fingers. It feels like the left side of my body is burning inside out.

It is so painful.

Thanos and all of his allies start to vanish just like I did 5 years ago.

I lean on the stone behind me. I hope it worked.

Peter shows up in front of me desperately

Peter: You are going to be OK. We are going to get help and

Y/n: Peter. It's ok. I chose this.

Peter: You remember the last time we meet at the Cafe? I heard you

Y/n: Did you...? Now I am embarrassed

Peter: I want you to know, that I love you too.

It's getting hard to talk. I just give him a worm smile.

Tony comes.

Tony: Why did you do this?

Y/n: Little girls need their father.

Both of them get surprised. I think they understood that I didn't want Morgan to grow up without a father like I did.

Thor lands on my side. Tony pushes Peter away to give space to Thor.

He kneels in front of me and passes his hand on my face.

Thor: I am sorry a couldn't protect you sis. I couldn't protect Loki or you.

He blames himself for Loki's death?

I am too weak to talk.

I move my fingers a little touching his hand.

I pass some magic to him. In that magic there was a menage to him.

Thor: You really are a queen sister. The best.

I give a small smile and slowly close my eyes.

I think it's my time now.

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