Chapter 10

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I became the center of attention in school. It stayed like that for almost one month.  But after that people became familiar with the news.

One day on the last class of the day, PE a storm showed out of nowhere.

We are out side so we have to go in. Suddenly a thunder hit the middle of the field.

It was Thor.

Y/n: What are you doing here?

Thor: You have to came. Now.

Y/n: But

Teacher: Go Y/n. It seems important.

Y/n: Ok .

I always liked this teacher. She is nice.

Thor grabbed me by waist and flew off with his Hamer.

What is going on? He didn't make any jokes and is going pretty fast.

He takes me to an open field. Why is there an Asgardian messenger here?

Messenger: your highnesses, I am sorry to inform that...

He stops

Thor: Say it already

Messenger: Odin has died of old age.

What? Dad died? Of old age? What is going to happen now? Is Thor going to became the new king?

Thor: Good back now.

He does as ordered.

Y/n: What is going to happen now brother?

Thor: I don't know

Y/n: We have to go back to Asgard. You are the king now

Thor: No, I am not the king.

Y/n: W-what?!

He flew off.

Y/n: Were are you going?!

What the hell is he doing?!

I go back to the Avengers Tower.

Y/n: Does anyone know were Thor is?!

Steve: What is wrong kid?

Y/n: I just need to talk to him!

Tony: Hey calm down.

He holds me by the shoulders.

Tony: What is happening?

Nat: Is he in danger?

Y/n: We just received the news that father died. That means he is going to become king, but he ran away.

Bruce: You ok?

Y/n: I am fine. But you know, the new king just ran away from his duty. So I have to find him.

Steve: You know it's OK to be sad

Y/n: Well I am not. He never treated me much like a daughter anyway,

Wanda: Are you looking for Thor Y/n?

Y/n: Yea, have you seen him?

Wanda: He is in the portal room .

Y/n: Oh hell no.

I run to the room.

With the others

Wanda: What was that?

Steve: Odin died.

Wanda: Oh my, is she OK?

Nat: You are the one that reads minds.

In the portal room.

Y/n: Stop right there Thor! You are not running away from this!

Thor: You don't understand, you are too  young!

Y/n: That's exactly why you should stay! If you go then I will have to became queen and I am not ready for such thing!

Thor: Don't worry.

Que disappeared.

Y/n: Thor!

You imbecile!  What have you done?!

I have no other choice.

Y/n: Friday, prepare to Asgard. Be ready in 10 minutes.

Friday: Yes.

I go to my room and start to pack my things.

Wanda and Nat enter the room

Nat: What is happening?

Y/n: I have to go to Asgard.

Wanda: Why?

Y/n: Because someone has to take care of it after Odin died

Nat: Isn't there anyone from your family that can do that?

Y/n: Well, my parents are both dead. My older sister was banished and as far as I know she is dead. Loki, well, is Loki and Thor the next to the throne just went of to God knows where. So no, I am the only royal left.

Wanda: We can help

Y/n: No just... let me deal with this ok? It was good meeting you guys. Thank you for the hospitality.

I take my bags and go to the portal room.

Y/n: Now Friday.

She takes me to Asgard.

Assessor: Your Majesty!

Y/n: Take me to Odin. Now.

With the Avengers

Bruce: What did you see in her mind?

Wanda: It was so confusing. There was fear, anger, sadness, happiness, nervousness,  and she is heart broken. 

Nat: She is just 17, she shouldn't be going though this

Tony: You two should have stoped her

Nat: What did you want us to do? She is an angry teenage goddess, who knows what she would do.

Steve: And where the hell did Thor go?

Y/N with the Avengers Where stories live. Discover now