Chapter 17

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Narrator pov

Anna knows what happened, but refuses to believe that Y/n died.

She feels a little shock on his wrist. She looks and sees the bracelet that Y/n gave her

Anna goes to Y/n and puts her hand in her wrist.

Anna has some magic, tracking and sensibility magic.

Anna: She is still alive! I fell small heartbeats!

Peper: Friday sacan for live signature.

Friday: Human in critical state, in need of urgent medical treatment.

Peter: We need to help her! 

Wanda: Where do we take her?

Wanda takes her of the gound with her magic.

Anna: Let's take her to the royal hospital in Asgard. We can use magic and the technologies there is very advenced.

Dr.Strange opens a portal. They go through

Anna: Follow me.

She runs to the medical center. Wanda puts her in the bed.

Dr.Strange: I'll do the first aid. I am a doctor after all.

He starts to treat Y/n with Friday's help.

Tony: She did this for Morgan.

Anna: One of the most important things she did when she was on the throne was that she created a support certer to the kids. The homeless or even the ones that didn't fell safe in there home. She spent at least 3 hour a day there. She doesn't want them to go through the same things she did.

Steve: She is very carrying for others.

Dr.Strange: I managed to stabilize her. It is a miracle that she is alive after using the stones. But I think that she did something for this. There are traces of a lot of magic in her arm.

Anna: She must have used the armor.

Thor: What is that?

Anna: She did it sometimes. Basically she creates a thick protection over her body made of the purest and dense magic she has. She must have done that in hope to decrease the effects on her body.

Dr.Strange: Well it worked.

Thor: So what are we going to do now?

Dr.Strange: There is not much we can do. We are going to treat her wounds and give her nutrients. But her soul and  mind are very affected. It's up to her to fix that.

Thor storms of the room

Dr.Strange: We need to get the stones back to their time period. 

Anna: I am going to take the gauntlet of her.

Anna walk up to Y/n and pulls the gauntlet.

When she pulls the gauntlet and immense waive of energy comes from it.

Making Anna fly back and brake the glass wall.

Steve catches her.

The stones come of the gauntlet and start to float in a circle over Y/n's body.

Steve helps Anna up.

Steve: What is happening to the stones?

Dr.Strange: It looks like they have created some kind of connection with her. 

Tony: But that didn't happen to Benner

Wanda: Maybe it happened because she put so much of her base magic in her arm. The stones might have connected with her magic somehow.

Dr.Strange: I will investigate that.

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