Chapter 26

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Hades: But you are in disadvantage, in my temple I have the uper hand.

Y/n: It's a shame we aren't in your temple. Reality.

The illusion disappears and my Temple is shown

Y/n: Did you forget that I have a Greek version? So I have a Temple.

Hades: But I teletransported us to my Temple. What did you do?

Y/n: I simply took control of your transportation magic and created a illusion so you would believe we were in your Temple. I am not a nive little girl like the last time you saw me. I am a queen now.

Hades: You will pay for this. I will make you regret.

Y/n: Good luck doing that. I have on my side the nordik gods and most of the Greek gods as well. And the Avengers and the infinity stones. You can't touch me. Now live Natasha alone. Or YOU will be the one to regret. Now I suggest that you go back to the under world.

He looks at me with pure anger and hate. He disappeared in a fire vortex.

Ok, you just declared war to the ruler of the under world. There is nothing to worry about.

You are the nordik queen. One of the gods pilars with your 3 uncles. You have 2 by your side and the infinity stones.

You can handle him. Now I have to go back.

I teletransport myself to the Tower.

Nat: Y/n!

Peter: What happened?

Tony: You ok?

Thor: What did he say?

Y/n: I am ok. I just threatened the God of the under world. And then he just left.

Thor: Wait. You threatened Hades? Hades our uncle?

Y/n: Yeah, don't worry I have Zeus and Posidon by my side. After all they don't get along with Hades so well. Father never took a side in this discussion, but I did, so he is in disadvantage.

Tony: Your family is complicated

Y/n: For sure.

Peter is looking at me like as if he is amazed.

Nat: Why did you threatened Hades?

I get close to her

Y/n: For you Nat. You are like a mother to me, I would do anything to protect you.

She hugs me.

Nat: You can always count on me.

Thor touched my shoulder

I turn around

Thor: You know what happened going to happen because of what you did, don't you? Can you handle them?

Y/n: The worst thing that can happen is being banished and lose my powers.

Thor: It is not that simple.

Peter: Are you in danger?

Thor: She practically declared war to Hades.

Y/n: So I will have to meet with Zeus, Hades and Posidon. To try to talk this out. But they are the kind that likes war.

Thor: But she has the uper hand. Zeus treats her as his daughter. He cares a lot for Y/n and put her under his protection. Posidon is more neutral, but cares for her as well. She has the hart of all the Greek Gods since she was a baby.

Y/n: And I am good at bargain and convincing others. I am going to be fine

I think.

Y/N with the Avengers Where stories live. Discover now