Chapter 21

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Zeus: Come in!

That scared me.

I walk in and he gives me a hug

Zeus: I was worried about you. I thought you were dead

Y/n: Almost

Zeus: So what do you want in Olympus?

Y/n: I need to talk to Hefesto.

Zeus: Why is that?

Y/n: I have somethings I need him to make.

Zeus: Is it about those infinity stones?

Y/n: Yes.

Zeus: They are kind of a problem

Y/n: Kinda

Zeus: Well, you can go. Do you still know the way?

Y/n: Yes

Zeus: I imagined. The last time you came here was when you were only 200 years old. How old are you actually?

Y/n: 1.150

Zeus: Oh! You look so well for that age! Thaks to your mother of course

Y/n: Definitely.

Zeus: Go on, you have something to do.

Y/n: Thanks uncle.

On my way to Hefesto I bumped into some of my cousins. That is Zeus's children.

I got to Hefesto's place. Or at least I think I did.

I knock at the door and Aphrodite opens.

Aphrodite: Y/N is that you?! O my you have grown so beautiful! I knew that of course I took care of that.

Y/n: Nice to see you Aphrodite.

Aphrodite: You want to talk to Hefesto?

Y/n: Yes

Aphrodite: Follow me dear.

We enter. What a nice place. Aphrodite's doing.

She takes me to his workshop.

Aphrodite: Honey! We have a visit!

Hefesto: Who is it? Tell them I am busy

Y/n: So mean.

Hefesto: Y/N I didn't think I would be you. Come in.

I am the only "nordik" God or goddess that is welcome in the "Greek" side of the family.

And since I am the youngest they all kinda take care of me as a little sister.

Except for Hades. We don't get along well.

Y/n: I might have something of your interest.

Aphrodite: I will leave you two for business.

She leaves the room.

Hefesto: And what would that be?

I make the stones float in front of me.

Hefesto: The stones that caused so much trouble. Father wasn't pleased with them.

Y/n: I am aware of that.

Hefesto: And what do you want me to do with them?

I start to walk around.

Y/n: Well you see, it seams that I can't really be separated from them. So I would like for you to do me a favor.

Hefesto: And why would I do that?

Y/n: Because I know you like a challenge.

Hefesto: Go on.

Y/n: I need to have them with me at all times so I need them to be in a practical way.

Hefesto: What do you have in mind?

Y/n: Jewelry. But not simple jewelry, jewelry that can became weapons. Simple, but useful. Like this

I open my arms and the reality stone created some of the ideas I had

Y/n: Of course I know this isn't your comfort zone, but your wife can help.

Hefesto: What makes you think I would do it?

Y/n: Because I know you like me cousin. 

He stops and thinks.

Hefesto: Aphrodite!

She comes in.

Hefesto: I want your help.

Aphrodite: Of course

Y/n: Thank you.

I leave the stones to him.

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