Chapter 8

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Brother was supposed to meet me for training 1 hour ago.

I know he hardly gets anywhere on time, but one hour is to much for him.

Y/n: Friday. Where is my brother?

Friday: Thor is in the meeting room with the others miss.

Y/n: Thank you Friday

Meeting room? They must be discussing about me.

I think I'll be sent back to Asgard

Friday: Mister Stark asks you to go to the meeting room.

Friday guides me to the room. Everyone is there. Even Peter

Steve: Y/n what happened today was pretty serious

Stark: And you understand there are going to be consequences.

Y/n: I understand and I am ready to face them.

Thor: We have come to an agreement to what will happen.

Y/n: I understand

Thor: First you will go back to Asgard.

As I thought. I don't whant to go.

I look to Peter who is looking down.

Thor: Second you will be under hard training and won't leave the Palece

I didn't already

Thor: Until your 18th

Y/n: What?! That is more then on year!

Thor: You will be under the laws 27, 30, 45 and 50.

Y/n: This isn't fair! The law 50 dosen't apply to any of the things I did! And 45 as well!

Hawkeye' mind: I didn't expect her to know the laws.

Peter's mind: I am sure sorry Y/n.

Thor: You said you were ready to face the consequences. I also talked to father. He will put the princess law over you

Y/n: No please. Anything but that. Thor you know I don't deserve this. Please brother

I am now crying

Thor: Half of your powers will be taken away.

Y/n: I am sorry. But I can't accept that.

I look at him with a calm but deadly intent.

Y/n: I will not be punished by what I didn't do.

Thor: Father ordered

Y/n: Then I shall talk to him. He might not care about me as a daughter, but he shall hear me as a princess

I take my bracelet and start to put some of my magic in it.

Thor: Hey!

Thor pushed my arm stopping me

Y/n: I will talk to father one way or the other.

Thor: No need for that.

I look at him and the other's faces.

Y/n: You gotta be kidding me right now! A test?! A dam test?! You know I could have turned this city into ruins!

Bruce: But you didn't.

Steve: You controled yourself and didn't lose control of your powers.

Tony: Even Thor putting such drastic consequences.

I was about to punch Thor. Thank Odin he told the plan.

Y/n: So what is going to happen to me?

Thor: Nothing I said is going to happen. Wanda and Bruce are going to help you train your power control.

I look at Peter and say

Y/n: School?

Thor: So now you want to go.

Stark: The school is closed for two 2 days. You will be back then.

I think my eyes shined a little.

Y/n: Thank you.

Thor: I know you are not like that.

Y/n: I will be going now.

Peter: I have to go too

We both get out of the room.

In the room

Bruce: Thor. What did she meant by your father not caring about her as a daughter?

Thor: Father doesn't have a nice relationship with his children. After Loki and our sister went to the wrong way he put all his expectations on Y/n

Steve: What about you?

Thor: She was little. She had only 4 so he could still manipulate her. I was older. Our mother died when she was 5 and after that she was prohibited to get out of the palece. She was put under a lot of pressure and expectations. Father rarely talked or looked at her. So she grew up pretty much on her own. That's why she is so mature.

Nat: No family is perfect

Thor: Indeed.

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