Chapter 14

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I have to admit. Being a queen is harder then I thought it would be.

Of course I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I had to make so many decisions I didn't whant to make. And that changed me. 

I might have just passed 2 year since I assumed the throne, but a it seems like it's been 3.

Since I am 18 now, many important people respect me more.

I am not as childish as I was before. I haven't gone out of Asgard for the past 2 years.

I only talk with the Avengers by Tony's technology.

We made a deal with him. He brought his technology to Asgard.

We build multiple teletransportation stations. In case we are attacked the civilians will be sent to a secure place on Earth.

And it was a good idea. My sister. Hela attacked Asgard.

And it was hard to face her. We got 90% of the civilians to safety in Earth.

My brothers and I fought against her. I was 17, didn't have my full power.

I felt rather useless. We managed to win her, but Asgard almost got destroyed and Loki. Loki died in that battle.

I couldn't handle it. And I kinda had a power explosion.

After the battle I helped bringing the civilians back. But after that Anna took care of Asgard for a couple of weeks.

I just needed a break.

After that I changed.

This job changes people. I started to understand father.

And Anna has changed too. She is not as an extrovert as she used to be.

And she changed a lot on the past 5 months.

He mother arranged a marriage for her. And she was not ok with it.

To help her I prohibited the marriage. But she has been angry with her mother since that.

We are on the throne room. I'm in the throne and she is standing by my side.

Y/n: I am going to cancel the arranged marriage permission.

Anna: Why?

Y/n: Because I don't want other people to go through what you did. And of course my arranged marriage is coming.

Anna: It is because you want to Mary Peter.

Y/n: W-what?! Of course not! We haven't talked in ages!

Anna: Yeah, yeah. You don't fool me. I know you talk by the hologram. And I know you are dating.

Y/n: That's no true

Anna: You can't hide it from me. You blushed, that confirms what I said

Y/n: Shut up

Anna: Ok, but about canceling the law.  The council won't be much of a problem. They fear you since you 18th birthday, when you got all your powers.

Y/n: They are a bunch of cowards

Anna: You are a goddess of course they would be scared of you. If I weren't your friend I would be my self.

Y/n: O really? Bu!

Anna: You dumbass

Y/n: Kkkk

Anna: What is this sound?

We stay quiet to listen.

Y/n: Screams?!

The guards enter desperately.

Guard: Run your High...

He disappointed and became dust just like the other.

Anna: What is happening?!

Y/n: Are we under attack?!

I get up but something isn't right. I fell weird.

My hands, they are disappearing.

Anna: Y/N!

She lays me on the floor.

Anna: Help!

Y/n: Anna. Take care of Asgard for me. I am counting on you my friend

I completely became dust. I only see a bright, white light.

Am I dead?

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