Chapter 2

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We appear on what seams to be a roof top. Of a very tall building

Thor: Came this way.

We go to an elevator. After some floors down the dor opens in a big salon.

Thor takes my bags out of the elevator. I was so impressed with the place I didn't even notice the people there.

Stark: Who is this Thor?

Natasha: And what's with all these bags?

Thor: This is my little sister Y/N Odinson. She is going to stay here for a while.

Y/N: You really didn't tell your friends about me? Wow, what a jerk.

Thor: Hey!

Hawkeye: I like the kid. Is she adopted like Loki?

Thor: No she is actually my sister

Y/n: Loki is your brother too Thor. Don't forget that.

Steve: So she is like a goddess of something?

Y/N: I am a goddess.

Thor: With half of her power do to the age. She will only be able to use all her power after she turns 18.

Wanda: She seams more responsible then you Thor

Y/N: Thank you. And is a pleasure to meet you all and thank you for having me.

Bruce: Add more polite to the list.

Thor: Ok, go to your room.

Y/N: And were would that be?

Stark: Friday

Friday: Came with me Y/N

What is this? What kind of magic?

Thor: Ooo this is a robot. It's not magic. You can trust her.

The robot takes my bags and starts to move. I go after it.

The thing leads me to a big room. Smaller then mine in Asgard but is beautiful.

I lay down on the bed and close my eyes. Soon after that I hear footsteps close to me.

I jump out of bed and see my brother.

Y/N: Loki! What are you doing here?!

Loki: Visiting my little sister

Y/N: OMG Loki, don't you grow up?

Loki: Or did you grow up too fast?

Y/N: Maybe I had too. But why here? Aren't you like a criminal here?

Loki: Better here than in Asgard.

Y/N: So how are you doing?

Loki: The same as always, and you?

Y/N: Well Thor practically dragged me to this world and wants me to stay here for I don't know how long.

Loki: Seems like Thor to me. But give it a chance. This world has same unique things.

Y/N: I noticed.

Loki: O that thing? It's not even close to the cool things there are here.

Y/N: Thanks Loki.

Loki: No problem Sis. Now I gotta go, someone is coming

Y/N: Ok, bye. Have a god night. I missed talking to you.

Loki: Me too.

He disappeared. Someone knocks on the door.

Y/N: Come on in.

Wanda: Hey Y/N, Thor asked me to check on you.

Y/N: I am fine, thanks Wanda.

Wanda: How did you

Y/N: Thor talks a lot.

Wanda: I get it. So are you going to came or?

Y/N: I think I am going to sleep. Today was a very exhausting day.

Wanda: Ok, so good night.

She closes the door. They seem to be nice people.

I sit on the table and ask Friday

Y/N: Friday? Can you show me all I need to know so I can live here?

Friday: Of course.

Wow, that's a lot. But let's get going.

After some hours I change and go to sleep.

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