Chapter 20

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Y/n's pov

Tony: But, we need to try to separate you. It's too dangerous for you and the others around you to have all the stones.

The stones start to get angry.

I stand my hand and they all land in it

Y/n: Tony, you have to understand. I cannot be separated. Believe me, I have tried to do that for 200 years.

Bucky: You're not that old.

Y/n: I am a goddess if you forget. When I meet all of you I was already 893 years old. And I spent about 257 years in this time travel. So I'm 1.150 years old. Still 93 years younger then Thor.

Tony: Your 1.507 Thor?

Thor: That is none of your concern. But that is why I asked her how much time she spent there. Because it takes a lot of time for her aging to show

Y/n: Thanks to mom. Because dad... no thank you.

Bruce: Going back to the stones. What are you going to do? You can't just walk with floating stones.

Y/n: I have an idea.

I look at Thor

Thor: Are you serious? Him? O gosh.

Y/n: Hefesto isn't so bad

Thor: He is a very distant cousin!

Y/n: That is not true. He is Zeus son, and Zeus is Odin's older brother. So he is our direct cousing.

Thor: I don't like him


Tony: So the Greek and Nordik mitologi are connected

Y/n: Yeah, the humans just decided to separated them.

Thor: When are we going?

Y/n: We? You aren't going. You know Zeus dosen't like you very well. You took his domain. Thunder. I am going to uncle's house.

Bruce: You mean Olympus.

Y/n: Yeah.

Bruce: I give up understanding your family

Y/n: Kkkk do you still have the key?

Thor: Here.

He passes me it. It is actually a whistle I blow it.

Didn't take look for Hermes to show up

Hermes: Y/N long time no see

Y/n: Long time no see Hermes. I need to talk to Hefesto

Hermes: You will have to pass through Zeus.

Y/n: I know.

Hermes: Did you make an appointment?

Y/n: No

Hermes: Your lucky you're his favorite niece.

Y/n: I know.

Hermes: Let's go.

He grabs me by the waist and Flys off

Y/n: You just ignored Thor?

Hermes: Zeus would punish me for talking to him

Y/n: It's that bad huh?

Hermes: You can't even imagine

Y/n: Thankfully I got all the elements except thunder

Hermes: I am sure he would kill you when you were a baby.

We get to Olympus, I change to a more Greek God clothes.

Hermes: Good luck

Y/n: Thanks.

I walk through the big hall all the way to the throne room.

Zeus: Who is it?

Y/n: It is Y/n uncle

Zeus: What?!

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