Chapter 27

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I am very nervous, but I don't let that show.

We are celebrating Nat's return. I sense something. Like a warning.

I go to a empty room and lock the door.

It didn't take long for a feather to show up.

Hermes. There is a message in it.

" To decide the fate of the stolen soul Hades and Y/n will have a Ragnarok battle to decide what shall be of her. If Hades wins the soul goes back to the under world. If Y/n wins the soul stays in the human world. The one who loses will became submiss to the victorious one. The battle will happen in  24 hours. "

Ragnarok battle? I should have expected this. Hades is to proud of himself.

I send the feather back showing I received the message.

I go back to the room. I can enjoy this moment for now.

After the party I will talk to Thor and go back to Asgard to prepare myself.

6 hours later.

I discretely go to the portal room and go back to the Palece.

I go directly to my war room, where I keep my armor and everything else I use in the battle field.

Ana: Why are you here?

Y/n: They called me to a Ragnarok battle against Hades.

Ana: And you accepted?

Y/n: I had no choice.

She breaths in deeply

Ana: Then let's get you ready.

She closes the door and the secret storages show up.

Ana: So, what are you going to need?

I smile at her

Y/n: Not much.

I put on all the things I needed.

Ana: And finally

She takes que crown and puts it on my head.

Ana: Now your ready my queen.

Y/n: I still have 16 hours to the fight.

Hermes: Do you now?

Y/n: What the hell Hermes?! How did you get in here?! You know what, don't even answer

Ana is kinda scared

Hermes: Don't be scared lady Ana. Y/n they have anticipated the dual.

Y/n: Let me guess. It's going to start now.

He nods with his head.

Ana holds my hand

Ana: Please, don't go over your self and remember to read the battle

Y/n: I will. Hermes, let's go.

He takes me to the arena. Hades us there, on the other side. With his war armor. He dosen't wear that in centuries.

All the gods are here. They like some fighting don't they?

But why us there such an empty space?

I am just glad that the others aren't here. Because I don't whant them to see this.

Zeus: Before we start, I will bring some guests.

The empty space is filled up with them. The Avengers and Ana.

I look at them desperately.

Heimdall: The Ragnarok battle that will divide the fate of the soul of Natsha Romanoff! Just to remember the terms. If Hades wins the soul will go back to the under world and Y/n will be under his control for eternity. If Y/n wins the soul will stay in the human world and Hades will be under her control for eternity, getting a Nordik version. Both parts agree?

Hades: Yes.

Y/n: Yes.

The gods chear and my friends get worried.

Y/n: I have a question, to Zeus.

Zeus: No, you can't use the infinity stones.

Hades: Let her use it. They are basically her power.

Zeus: Then you can.

Y/n: As you say

Heimdall: Then, may the battle begin!

Y/N with the Avengers Where stories live. Discover now