Chapter 13

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Anna became my right hand and her family moved to the Castle.

We make a great team. We complet what the other needs.

It's been two weeks since I came back to Asgard.

Anna convinced me to go back and spend the day on Earth. Besides she really wants to go there.

I organized our scadual so we could go.

We arrived at the Avengers Tower.

Anna: It's so big and modern!

Y/n: You have seen nothing. Come with me.

We go down the elevator.

When we get there Tony was with his glove ponted at us and Thor with his Hamer. 

Y/n: Hey its me!!

They put the weapons down.

Thor: Sis!

Tony: Tell us you are coming next time.

Y/n: My bad.

Anna: Your Majesty

She said bowing to Thor

Thor: No need for that. You are family.

Wanda: Y/N! I am so happy to see you again

Y/n: Same Wanda

I hug her.

Y/n: Guys this is Anna, my best friend. She wanted to see Earth so I brought her.

Thor: Do you want me to show you around?

Y/n: Thank you, but no. I can do that.

Anna: I would like to meet your friends.

Y/n: They must be at school

Anna: They really go to school with this age?

Y/n: We are the ones who fineshed early.

Tony: Actually today is Friday, they get out early.

Steve: And why do you know that?

Nat: Because of Peter.

Tony: Nonsense. 

Y/n: Then we will meet them there. Se you

I take us both flying to the school.

Anna: Are you sure we should be wearing this kind of clothes? They dress so diferenty.

Y/n: What's the problem of some joules? Besides there aren't even that much in the dress. Come, I know were to find them.

They should be outside on P.E

We go there. Bingo.

We walk up to them.

Liz: Look, the princess is back. And with a body guard this time. What? You can't take care of your self?

Anna: It is queen Y/n for you, and I am not her body guard. I am her friend

Flash: Queen?

Y/n: Lots have changed.

Peter: Y/N! I missed you.

Y/n: Missed you to Peter

Anna: Peter? That Peter?

I step on her foot.

MJ: So Queen now huh?

Y/n: Yeh

Ed: Did your

Y/n: Yes he did. But it's OK. Teacher how much time until class is fineshed?

Teacher: We are going to do one more game then we are done.

Y/n: Can we join?

Liz: You two don't study here

Y/n: We fineshed your studies when we were 14. We don't need to study.

Teacher: I see no problem. It's just one game.

Y/n: Thank you.

I change our clothes with magic.

After the game Mj, Ned, Peter, Anna and I walked through the city. Just having fun

Anna invited them to visit Asgard some day. I see no problem in that.

At night, nearly midnight we went back.

Time dosen't go by the same way in Earth and Asgard.

Here it is noon.

There is some kind of problem in front of the castle.

I transform our clothes to our more royal and formal ones, with my crown and Anna's tiara.

Y/n: What is going on here?!

Assessor: I'm sorry you highness, I tried to stop them.

Person 1: They increase the price of the vegetables just because we received your highnesse's help!

Person 2: If you have more you can pay more!

Person 3: There is no such thing!

Anna: How much did they increase?

Person 4: Only 10% it's nothing!

Y/n: Actually it is. There was already a profit of 10% on sales, the limit allowed by law. So if you increase 10% that becomes 20%. But your production price didn't go up as well.

Anna: So you can't increase your profit.

Y/n: If you don't back down we will fine you.

Everyone is quiet

Y/n: You have 24 hours to make the price go back.

We enter the castle again

Anna: Can you believe that? Taking advantage of your donation.

Y/n: There will always be selfish people, and it is our job to make everything equal to everyone.

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