Chapter 19

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Y/n's pov

I really missed up in a lot of things. I am aware of everything that happened.

I am going to be back in the throne in 1 week. First I need to go back to Earth and put the stones back in there time period.

Dr.Strange opens a portal. Thor goes through with me. Dr.Strange comes right after.

Anna is staying in Asgard.

Who's house is this?

Someone comes out the dor. Tony and Peper.

We come close.

Peper hugs me and says

Peper: Thank you

Y/n: It was nothing.

She goes to Tony's side.

Tony: Thank you kid

Y/n: I'm glad you are OK .

Morgan: Momy! Daddy!

A little girl comes running to them. So that's Morgan. I never saw her before. She is so cute.

Peper: Honey, we want you to meet someone. This is Y/n

Morgan: You saved Daddy. Thank you!

Y/n: You are welcome Morgan.

Peper: We will go inside, you have some hero stuff to do.

Peper takes Morgan inside.

Tony: Follow me.

He goes to a kind of platform.

Y/n: Steve, Bruce, Sam, Bucky, nice to see you guys.

They talk to me a little.

Bruce: So, where are the stones?

I show them.

Steve trys to take them. I close my hand.

Y/n: It's better if you don't.

Dr.Strange: As you know Y/n has a unique connection to the stones. They won't leave her side.

Y/n: So I think I'm going to do the trip then.

They look at Thor

Thor: I

Y/n: Why are you looking at him? I can decide that. Now where is the suit?

Steve: I will go with you just for suport.

Tony gives us the suit and we dress up. I stand on the platform

Bruce: Remember, you have to put them back in the exact time I gave you.

Y/n: Got it.

Bruce: Going in 1,2,3 go.

Narrator pov

Y/n and Steve vanished.

Thor: How long is it going to take?

Bruce: For them, as much as she need, for us a couple of seconds.

Tony: Coming back in 1, 2, 3 now.

Steve: Where are they?

Bruce: I don't know what happened

Sam: Bruce where is him?

Thor: Where is my sister Stark?!

Y/n: Relax, I am right here.

They look at her in shock.

Thor: You look older. How much time did you spent there?

Y/n: You can say I am now 20. It took us 2 human years to figure out how to separate the stones from me.

Bucky: Y/N, where is Steve?

Y/n looks at a direction and they look. Steve, is there. But he is old now.

Sam goes to him and Bucky looks at them.

Tony: Did you put them back?

Y/n: I did, but every time all of them got separated from me it is just a mater of time for them to do

She couldn't even finish. 

Y/n: That...

6 traces of light come in her direction. They stop inches away from Y/n's face.

Y/n: They won't leave me.

Dr.Strange: But didn't you put them back?

Y/n: This is something the time stone told me. There are multiple realities that are constantly being destroyed. And every time all six stones get separated from me the stones from one of this realities come to substitute them.

Bruce: But, why? How?

Y/n: It's no simply that they like me or something. When I snapped my fingers they absorved my magic. They became one with my magic. And it seems that all of the stones in all the dimensions did the same. So basically I can't get rid of them. They react to how I fell and obey me.

Tony: So you are the owner of the stones.

Mind stone: Hey! Not owner a friend!

Power stone: Our master.

Soul: Someone we care about.

Reality: Someone we want to protect

Sapace: But you don't tell us what to do!

Y/n: You guys heard that?

Thor: Heard what?

Y/n: So the stones started to argue about what I am to them. They said a friend, master, someone they care about, someone they care about and want to protect. That's what they said.

Thor: This is so confusing.

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