Chapter 4

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Ok, there really are lots of things, but I can menage them.

We get of the car in front of the school.

Peter: We are a bit late, so let's go fast.

Y/n: Lead the way.

He goes in front of me and starts to walk fast. I go after him.

Peter: Sorry for being late.

Teacher: It's ok Peter, you can sit. You must be the new student. Please came in and introduce yourself.

I go to the front of the class. Ok, remember your background story.

Y/n: Hello, nice to meet you all. I'm Y/N Smith and I came from California. My mom is friends with Peter's aunt so they put me here. I hope we can get along.

Teacher: Well nice to meet you y/n. You can sit with MJ.

Mj: That's me

I smile and go sit by her side.

Teacher: So lets go to math.

Some minutes later.

Teacher: Y/N, can you give us the answer?

I am not comfortable with this kind of math, but lets give it a try.

Y/n: I think I would be 137.45398 joule do to the speed and conections.

They look at me in shook

Teacher: T-that is correct, very impressive.

Y/n: Thank you

He continues with the class, but MJ starts calling me with whispers.

MJ: How did you do that calculus so fast?

Y/n: I practiced a lot

MJ: I like you Y/n, you seem to be the type of people I like to hang out with.

Y/n: Thanks...?

MJ: So, what's with you and Peter?

Y/n: You are his friend aren't you? Well we meet no so long ago actually. But we get along well.

MJ: It's Peter we're talking about. He gets along with almost everyone

I let out a tiny laugh.

Y/n: Sorry sir.

Liz: If you think you're so smart you don't have to pay attention, why don't you go solve the problem on the bord? Unless of course, your afraid.

I stand up. This girl is missing with the wrong person

Peter: Oh gosh.

Y/n: I'll show you who is afraid.

I walk up to the bord and start solving the problem.

The teacher sits with his mouth wide open.

After some intense writing I get to an answer.

Y/n: There you go. The answer. Is it correct?

The teacher took some time to come back to normal.

Teacher: Yes it's correct!

Ed and MJ: Go Y/N!

I look at the girl, Liz in a challenging and superior way. She grins at me.

I set back. The bell rings.

Teacher: Ok, class dismissed. Don't forget your homework form pages 87 to 90 due tomorrow!

I walk out of class with Peter, Ed and MJ.

Ed: Girl that was insane!

Peter: Yeah I didn't know you were that good at math.

Y/n: There are many thing you don't know.

MJ: Then let's see how you do in art class.

Art? Well I am pretty good at art.

Teacher: Well Y/N this panting will be a way for me to know what you can do Ok? So do your best.

Y/n: I will

Teacher: I won't look until your finished and so is nobody else

I think I will paint the beach of Asgard and the mountains. Yeah, that's what I am going to do

After some time, as was done.

Y/n: I fineshed the painting.

The teacher came behind me to see. I think she almost had a heart attack

Teacher: Oh my God

Flash: It must be so ugly

Peter: Shut up Flash

Teacher: It's gorgeous! Can I show it to the rest of the class?

I say yes. She takes the board and shows it to the others.

Flash: I can't believe she did that in this time.

Teacher: You are a true artist.

Y/n: Thank you.

I stayed basically average in the other classes.

Peter told me that my capacities ware incredible but could cause some trouble. So I controlled myself.

But I had quite some fun in this school. It's diferent from how Asgard's school's work.

Maybe I can use this experience to make some changes in Asgard.

Y/N with the Avengers Where stories live. Discover now