Chapter 12

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Ok. It really happened. I became queen. With 17 years.

There has never been a queen in Asgard. Imagine one with 17 years.

It is a tradition that the new King, in this case queen to make a speech for the people.

Assessor: Are you ready your Highnesses?

Y/n: Yes.

They open the doors and I walk to the balcony.

Y/n: Hello Asgard. It's a honor to be your queen, and I promise to do the best I can to protect and help all of you.

They start to cheer.

Y/n: And as my first action as queen I'll donate 1/3 of the royal family's treasures to help the ones that need.

1/3 of our treasures is enough to take everyone from the streets and help the ones with financial problems.

Y/N: I will always be here to hear your needs, so came and I will lisen. 

I go back inside the castle. 

Assessor: Incredible your Highnesses! The people love you!

Y/n: I just want them to know they can count on me.

Assessor: But are you sure about the donation? Shouldn't you think more about it?

Y/n: Are you saying that I didn't make a right decision?

I ask in an intimidating way.

Assessor: N-not at all.

Y/n: Ok.

Assessor: You need to chose your right had man.

Y/n: I know just who.

Assessor: Tell me so I can call him.

Y/n: I will personally go, and who said it is a man? Prepare the transport.

Assessor: Yes your highness.

I change into a more comfortable outfit, that dress is to big and heavy. Not going to wear one of those again.

I go to the transport.

Assessor: Do you want me to go?

Y/n: No, stay here.

They take me to where I want.

When I get there every one bows.

Y/n: Please don't bow.

I walk to the Pub.

Anna: It's a pleasure to meet you your Highness.

She said mocking me

Y/n: Anna don't say that. Call me Y/n

People don't know she knows me.

We hug

Anna: Tell me all about the trip. Any boys?

Y/n: Anna! You dumbass!

Anna: Then we are two dumbass

Y/n: You can't talk to me like that, I'm the queen

She is surprised

Anna: S-sorry

Y/n: I am kidding! You can call me whatever you want. Your my best friend remember?

Olivia: Anna? Your Highnesses

She bows. Olivia is Anna's mom, the owner of the Pub.

Y/n: HI aunty.

She doesn't recognize me. I transform into the form I used to came here.

She almost faints. The others that are there recognize me.

Olivia: You are that girl that always came here.

Y/n: The one and only

Olivia: Did you

Anna: Yes I knew mom. But Y/n why are you here?

Y/n: What? I can't come visit my friend?

Anna: I know you are lying

Y/n: I came to offer you some thing.

Anna: Offer me? What?

I cancel the magic.

Y/n: Would you like to me my right hand woman and live in the castle?

Anna: W-what?!

Now Olivia fainted.

I created a mass of air under her so she didn't fall.

Anna: Is this a joke?

Y/n: Of course not. You know everyone in Asgard, you are intelligent, and have many ideas of how to help them. Besides, there is no one that I can trust more with this duty then you.

Anna: But what about mother, my siblings and the Pub?

Y/n: They all will came with you, of course if your mother wants to keep working here, I can help with reforming the place.

She hugs me tightly

Anna: I will love to. Thank you.

Y/n: No need to thank me.

Y/N with the Avengers Where stories live. Discover now