Chapter 15

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I didn't even have time to search the place that I disappeared again.

What the hell is happening?!

The throne room again? But this is diferent. A portal appears in front of me.

Someone comes out

Y/n: Dr.Strange?

Dr: We don't have much time, we need to hurry

Y/n: What happened?

Dr: Half of the universe was wiped out of existence 5 years ago

Y/n: You mean when we disappeared? But it wasn't even 5 minutes.

Dr: It was 5 years. Thanos did it and now the Avengers brought everyone back and are fighting Thanos. We need you.

Y/n: Thanos did it. Take me to them.

I raise my hand in the air and move it. My battle armor shows up in me.

He opens another portal. We appear in a battle field.

And what a caos. Everyone is here. Even Asgardians.

Something alerts me. I look and see Anna, wow she changed a lot. And looks like a warrior.

She seems hurt, they are going to attack her.

I run and create an air shield in front of me protecting both of us.

Y/n: You changed a lot didn't you Anna?

Anna: Y/N...!

I stop the attack

Anna: I am so glad you are OK.

Y/n: I am glad to see you too.

Warrior: Queen Anna!

I look at her and she looks at me.

Y/n: Queen...?

Anna: No, I'm not your queen. Queen Y/n is back!!!

She passes me the war crown.

Y/n: I knew you would do a great job.

Anna: Now go get him.

I start to fly ( power that came after 18th birthday)

I see Thanos and someone is holding something with his life.

I go in front of him and take him far from Thanos.

When I put him down I see who it is.

Y/n: Peter!

Peter: Y/N! You disappeared too?!

Y/n: I did! We talk later, tell me what is going on

Peter: Thanos is after this. If he snaps his fingers he will end the universe just as he did last time. 

Y/n: So we can't let him have this. Peter, give me the gauntlet.

Peter: Keep it safe.

Y/n: I will. Reunite with the Avengers.

He gives me it. It will be harder for him to catch me in the air.

I fly high. This ships, they have cannons.

Wanda is fighting Thanos directly. The cannons are moving.

He is going to attack. I hold the gauntlet with my legs.

I open my hands and raise my arms quickly. 

The Earth started to tramble. Gigantic stone pillars brust out of the ground.

10 of them lauched at full speed towards the ship.

I destroy it. It starts to fall. If it does it will kill so many.

I create a mass of air under it. Dozens of thunders hit it transforming it into smaller pieces.

Thor appears by my side.

Thor: It really is you

Y/n: Thor? What happened to you?

He is fat, his beard and hair are all messed up, and he looks like is drinking a lot.

Thor: Nothing, I just as handsome as ever.

Y/n: kkkkkkk sure.

Thor: We need to go back to ground

He practically pulls me down.

A light comes from the sky. Like a meteor.

Thor: You only get here now huh?

It's a person? Who?

Y/N with the Avengers Where stories live. Discover now