Chapter 6

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We got back to the tower.

Thor: Room. Now.

Y/n: Ok OK.

Nat: What was with that tornado? It appears out of nowhere an vanished in the blink of an eye

Y/n: Yea that was my fault sorry.

Steve: You did that?

Y/n: I got angry and lost control.

Thor: I said room

Y/n: Gosh no need to be like this. A Tornado was nothing compared to the tsunami I made once.

Thor: That was on Asgard. We are on earth. Things are different. Now go.

I go to my room and he closes the door behind him.

Thor: You messed up really bad today. Blew your cover, and put many civilians in danger.

Y/n: And I am really sorry for doing all of this.

Thor: But

But? There was never a But.

Thor: I understand that this situation is very stressful to you and that you really look up to Loki and I. And that girl taking your identity and disrespecting Loki ended the patience you were almost out off.

And that means???

Thor: That's way you won't be grounded.

Y/n: Really?! Thank you Thor! I promise I will not do it again! 

Thor: Don't promise what you can't do sister. I just want you to be aware of your powers and control them.

Y/n: Understood

Thor: But you will have intense power control training with me once a day. Starting today. In 2 hours

Y/n: No problem.

He leaves the room.

I hope no one got hurt. Accept Liz.

This training will take hours.

I take my cellphone.

Texting Peter.

- HI Peter.
-I know I asked you to meet me at 6, but can we meet now? My brother ordered me to do something and I won't be able to go at 6.

- Hey Y/N.
-I can go. School was canceled for the rest of the day because of you know what.
-At the same place?

- I imagined
- Yeah the same place. You can go as SM. If you prefer.

- See you there.

- See you.

Text off

I am still with gym clothes.

I change and get out ou the tower by my window.

I go to our meeting place. It's the rooftop of a coffee shop.

This is the first place Peter brought me. He is like my guide around town.

He is practically my only friend here in earth. MJ and Ned are something more like colleagues.

Peter: Hey

He said sitting by my side, and taking his mask off.

Peter: So, about earlier

Y/n: I am so sorry Peter

He looked shocked

Y/n: You tried to calm me down, convince me to stop. And you were gentle. And I ignored you and didn't even answer after Thor came in. I know you were filling mad and scare of me. I saw your face.

Peter: Don't you ever think I was scared of you ok?! It was not your fault! You got carried by emotions. And Liz didn't help. I wasn't mad at you. I was worried. I care about you and don't want anything bad to happen to you.

I hug him tightly letting some tears drop.

Y/n: Thank you Peter. You don't have ideia of how much this means to me. 

He hugs me back.

Peter: I will be here for anything you need.

I smile.

Y/n: I love you

Peter: Did you say something?

I said that out loud?! Crap.

I stop the hug and sit back. I must be blushing so bad.

Y/n: I said you can count on me for anything to! 

Peter: Thanks

Safe. I think. I didn't say it very loud and clear.

Peter: Are you going to school?

Y/n: I don't know. I think the Avengers will decide that. It's not up to me.

Peter: If you want I can talk to them.

Y/n: You are already one of them silly. 

Peter:  Oh yeah

We start to laugh. You are so forgetful silly.

Y/N with the Avengers Where stories live. Discover now