Chapter 5

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I get back to the Avengers Tower, I think that's what it's called.

Y/n: I back! 

Nat: So how was your first day?

Y/n: Nice but a little bit stressful.

Vision: It is expected for such cultures changes.

Wanda: Y/N this is Vision

Y/n: Hello Vision, nice too meet you. Where is Thor? I wanted to talk to him.

Nat: He went out but will be right back.

Y/n: Ok, so I'll go to my room.

With Thor

Thor: Where the hell is that boy? There he is.

Thor walked to Peter and pulled him to a place were people couldn't see them.

Peter: Thor?

Thor: Hey kid need to ask you something.

Peter: Sure.

Thor: You are the only one in the school that knows Y/N secret identity so that's why you have to keep an eye on her.

Peter: Why?

Thor: She might seem pretty responsible but still is a teenage girl. She loses her temper quite easily and when that happens she loses control over her power.

Peter: I see where you are going.

Thor gives Peter some sort of remote control with only one button.

Thor: If she loses control you won't be able to hold her, so you press this button and I'll go to your location immediately. Do you understand?

Peter: Yes sir.

Thor: Good, I'm counting on you.

Thor leaves flying with his Hamer.

Peter: What the hell just happened? She can really be that dangerous?

Back with Y/N.

The next two weeks were pretty calm. Nothing going wrong. And that's not good.

Nothing stays this well for so long. There is something big coming.

The class is waiting in the gym for the teacher to arrive.

I was talking with Peter, Ned and MJ when Flash called the attention of the whole class.

Flash: Hey guys did you know that Thor has a younger sister?  And she is under the protection of the Avengers?

Ned: Really?!

Flash: Really and it looks like she came New York as a Student. Don't know how  long she has been here.

Ned: I wonder who she is.

I think I was demonstrating my nervousness because Peter put his hands on my shoulder and told me

Peter: Don't worry, they won't find out.

Y/n: You're right.

Liz: I wanted to keep it a secret for a little longer.

Don't you dare do what I think you are going to do

Liz: But my real name is Liz Odinson.

Y/n: The time dosen't fit. You have been here for years.

Liz: I have just kept it a secret. Are you jealous?

Y/n: You bic

Peter: Come with me for a second Y/N

He pulls me to the other side of the gym

Y/N with the Avengers Where stories live. Discover now