Chapter 3

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I wake up with some noise. Friday.

Friday: Time to wake up. You have to do something. Pepper sent some human clothes for you.

Pepper? That must be Stark's girlfriend or wife.

I look at the clothes. Not so bad.

I dress up and get out of the room. I hear some noise. People arguing, or better, fighting

I got towards the noise.

Stark: Thor get this thing out of here!

Steve: Take the ramer!

Y/N: What is happening?

Hawkeye: Your stupid brother put his Hamer over our things so now me can't get them.

It dosen't even look like I am the youngest sibling. I walk up to the Hamer.

Ok, haven't done this in a while.

I hold it and take it you of their things.

Y/N: There you go.

Bruce: You can lift it.

Y/N: Of course I can. Thor! Came here!

He cames. I give him the Hamer.

Y/N: You are the future King of Asgard so act like so. You act so childishly.

Steve: Sooooo do you have powers like Thor or Loki?

Y/N: Yes, I am the goddess of the elements, except of thunder. That's with Thor. That means I can control them and create them as well.

Natasha: She seams more powerful then you Thor.

Thor: Nonsense.

Stark: Y/N, Thor told me you are almost 17 correct?

Y/N: Yes.

Thor: So your going to school!

He said pushing me in the back.

Y/N: You are kidding aren't you? I fineshed school a long time ago. I don't want to go back to that horrible place.

Thor: In Asgard the kids finish school at 18, but she is kind of a genius and fineshed it at 14.

In human years of course.

Friday: Mister Stark. Peter is here.

Peter? Peter Parker, Spider-Man.

Peter: HI, Mister Stark.

Stark: Hey kid. Meet Y/N. Y/N, Peter. Peter, Y/N.

Peter: Nice to meet you

Y/N: Nice to meet you too

Stark: Peter she will be going to your school for some time.

Peter: Oh ok. So we should get going. Class is almost starting.

For Odin's sake. Not this hell again.

Thor: Peter will explain to you some things you can't do because of your powers.

Eu: Thanks Peter. Brother one more thing. I'm going to stay with Odinson? Like for last name?

Thor: Didn't think about that.

Y/N: Ok, then I'll use Smith. It's the most common name in this country.

Wanda: You did your research

Stark: The car is waiting outside

Hawkeye: Think fast kid

He throws a backpack at me. I put it on my back.

Y/n: Bye brother.

I say giving him a kiss on the cheek. He might be childish and a dumbass but he is still my brother and I love him.

Peter and I go down the elevator and enter a pretty big car.

Y/n: So what do I have to know about the human school?

Peter: There are lots of things.

Y/n: So let's get started.

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