Chapter 18

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6 months time skip.

No one figured out how to break the connection between the stones and Y/n.

She has been in coma since the battle and shows no sign of waking up.

That was. Until today.

Suddenly the monitoring devices went crazy. And the stones that just floated there started moving in a circle.

Doctor: Call counselor Anna! Now!

Her assistant rushed of to call Anna.

The doctor just tried to stabilize Y/n with no ease.

It didn't take long for Anna to get there.

She pressed her watch

Anna: Thor! Dr.Strange! Come here now! It's an emergency!

The stones were spinning so fast they were creating a lot o wind.

Anna: Everyone! Get out! 

They all get out for safety.

The computers go crazier and crazier and the stones go faster.

Out of nowhere everything stops. The room becomes dead silent.

To scare everyone Y/n wakes up and with a deap breath sits on the bed confused and scared

Y/n: W-where am I? I got out?

Anna: Y/N... Y/n!!

Anna runs and hugs Y/n tightly.

Anna: You are finally awake!

Y/n: I was out for how long?

Anna: 6 months

Y/n: 6 months? That's a lot.

Thor: Sister!

Dr.Strange: Y/N!

Thor: What, is that?

Y/n: What?

Dr.Strange: The stones.

Anna: They are shaping a crown above your head.

Y/n: God dam it you stupid stones! Leave me alone! 

Thor: What happened?

Y/n: In this 6 months as you say, they have been inside my head showing me things, telling me. It was so much. It seemed like torture.

Dr.Strange: They stayed floating over you the hole time. We couldn't take them out.

Y/n opens her hands on her lap. The stones came down and land on them.

Y/n: Why me...?

Dr.Strange: If you don't mind I would like to ask you some questions about what you saw.

Thor: First we need to check if she is completely fine.

Anna: The left side of your body is practically dead. I mean, at least the skin.

Y/n: Oh... I didn't notice that.

The time stone starts to float. It goes towards Y/n's left side and then glows a lot.

When the light ceases the stone is back into Y/n's hand and her left side is complete heald.

Y/n: So now you want to help me? Thanks a lot.

Thor: It's as if they had their own mind

Y/n: They do.

Dr.Strange: I have never seen or heard of a case like your's. This is so interesting.

Anna: My friend is not a lab rat got it?

Dr.Strange: But I need to analyze this

Thor: After we check she is healthy

Y/n: Hey, you guys don't decide what I do! I'm an adult you know? First of all, I will cooperate with Dr.Strange, but first I want to be updated of what happened in Earth and Asgard. And I need to find out what to do with this.

Anna: Then, we have a lot to talk about.

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