Chapter 9

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Y/n: So... you agreed with this test?

Peter: I didn't have much of a option. I am the one that has the less decision power.

Y/n: I know. Sorry

Peter: But I was against it. I didn't think they should go so bad on you.

Y/n: You know Peter. I am really happy Thor made me came here.

Peter: Why?

Y/n: Because I got the chance to meet you.

He blushes.

Peter: I-I gotta go. Aunt May is waiting for me

Y/n: Ok, see you at school.

2 days later.

I have been having something like anger control lessons and they didn't stop telling me to control myself and not do anything to big with my powers

Of course I know that. I'm not that dumb after all.

One of Tony's cars took me to the school.

When I got there all eyes were on me. With judgment, fear or both.

MJ kinda jumped on my back.

MJ: Hey Y/N how you doing?

Y/n: MJ. Fine and you?

MJ: Ok. So your a goddess huh

Y/n: Surprise!

Ned: MJ! Y/N! Hold up!

MJ: Hey Ned.

Y/n: Good morning Ned.

Ned: Y/n that was crazy! Who would have thought you were Thor's sister

MJ: That means her cover was working.

Y/n: Should we go inside or?

We go inside and see Peter arguing with Liz and Flash

Y/n: What's with them?

MJ: You didn't know?

Ned: Peter stood up for you when those two started talking badly about you. He really made them go silent

Y/n: He did that?

MJ: Sure did

Then let's go there.

We walk to them.

Y/n: Any problem here Peter?

Liz: Y/N

Y/n: Liz

Flash: There is nothing, come on Liz

Both of them go away.

Peter: Good to have you back

Y/n: Good to be back.

MJ: We are late. Let's go to class.

When we get inside the class everyone looks at us.

Teacher: P-please sit down.

We sit near to each other. I was going to sit with MJ, but she practically pushed Peter to the sit besides me.

Teacher: It's a honor to have you princess

Y/n: No need for formality. Treat me like you always have. And please call me Y/n.

Teacher: Ok Y/n.

Now is chemistry class. We are studying some new reactions and combinations.

The girl in front of me is very clumsy. She might let something fall.

Said and done. If that falls it will release a very unpleasant smell and will ruin the floor.

Before it touched the ground I involved it with an air bubble. I put it back on her desk.

Y/n: Here you go. Be more careful next time.

Girl: Thank you

Peter silently talks to me

Peter: Didn't they tell you not to use your powers?

Y/n: They told me not to do anything big. Just an air bubble won't cause trouble.

Peter: Just be careful. 

Y/N with the Avengers Where stories live. Discover now