Chapter three

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Jins focus ..

Jin was Currently in one of kim Namjoon's car which was driving him to the penthouse at a quiet part of Seoul ,Jin could swear he didn't Know such part of Seoul existed , though he was scared but at same time he trusted his friends not like they would sell him to a serial killer or anything.

After few minutes the car entered into a property that was more majestic than what Jin imagined 'how can this be one of his penthouses I know he is rich but God damn it,I know this house might cost over millons of dollars " Jin thought to himself .

'sir we are here ' the driver said opening the back seat for him to get down ,'thanks' Jin responded and walked into the building to meet a handsomely ,tall and appealing man Jin has ever seen .

Nj- hi.

Jin- hi

Nj- come on in and get yourself relaxed

Jin- thanks .

Jin sat on one of the sofa's that seems too soft for his bum he could tell the sofa worth alot of money ,as much as he tried to relax the more difficult it was for him to.

Namjoon brought out some documents and dropped it in the table close to were Jin is sitting,which Jin opened wondering what was the content only to be suprised by what he saw .

Nj- that's a contract of you being official mine for 2years ,no sex with others and unprotected  sex with me  cause I enjoy having it raw with my partner .

Jin- won't that be risky judging the fact I could get pregnant ?.

Nj- not to worry my doctor will keep you on an healthy pills to help you reduce the chances of pregnancy .

Jim read through the contract and it states that the dominant can ask the presence of the submissive anytime he wants and also regular sex is allowed so therefore the sub must be clean at all time ..

Jin- okay , I read the rules but I think the fact that you can see me anytime you want might be possible ?

Nj- why not ?

Jin- cause I have a business and might be busy .

Nj- okay then we can work things out .

Jin- and I need to introduce you to my workers as my boyfriend .

Nj-why ?

Jin- cause that would make it easier for you to visit me at my work place.

Nj- okay ,then I will introduce you to my workers too .

Jin- that sounds like a plan .

Jin smiled happily knowing he could finally have a boyfriend but not just anyone else but Kim Namjoon the most influential bachelor in Korea and worldwide,Jin signed the contract and passed the paper to namjoon who handed him an HIV kit to check himself ,he chuckled cause he was a virgin but Namjoon didn't happen to know so he went into the empty bathroom and did a check up which obviously was negative .

Jin came out and gave the kit to Namjoon who also handed his check up kit to him ,both were negative so it was assuring for namjoon they were having sex tonight .

Namjoon who couldn't resist Jin figures walked up to him ,giving him a kiss on his lips .

Nj- would you like a wine,vodka or soft ?.

Jin- wine is perfect .Jin blushed .

Namjoon walked to his bar and got a bottle of white wine and a glass to serve Jin cause he was already drinking Hennessy .

Jin- thanks .

Jin said as he sipped on the drink ,he was bored alone cause Namjoon was busy on his laptop probably working or avoiding him ,he thought ..

Jin-hey Namjoon could you stop working and come keep me company am bored.

Jin said pouting.

Nj- give me few minutes okay baby .

Baby sounded nice in jin's ears he can't believe someone finally called him baby dominantly ,though he was sure, he was probably losing his Virginity tonight but for some reason he wasn't bothered like he is actually anticipating his Kim Namjoon would treat him ..

Few minutes later ,Jin was feeling tipsy already and this was the moment he becomes a baby and clingy but Namjoon was still on his laptop .


Jin screamed at namjoon not realizing what he has done well blame it on the alcohol ,Namjoon left the spot he was sitting and walked to Jin who had drank just half the bottle of wine but was obviously tipsy .

Nj- let go into the bedroom baby .

Namjoon lifted jin taking him to the bedroom where Jin could possibly lose his Virginity ..


Stay tuned ..

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