Chapter seven

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Jin arrived at the Kim's with hoseok and yoongi who couldn't get their hands off each all through the drive there but he was glad they finally came to a stop ,though the moment the car stopped yoongi dragged hoseok probably to any of the guest room cause Jin knew they were both horny from the heat session in the car .

Well that's not his problem ,the focus here is making Namjoon whipped with his looks tonight.

Well that's not his problem ,the focus here is making Namjoon whipped with his looks tonight

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Imagine this was jin's outfit with black hair though ..

He walked to the middle of the room and got a glass of champagne from one of the waiters ,he could feel eyes devouring him both men and women there were practically stripping him naked with their eyes like literally but that didn't bother him at all he wasn't called world wide handsome for nothing he was used to people eating him alive in their minds ..

Jin was busy finding Namjoon with his eyes in the crowd when he spotted an handsomely built man on white looking breathtaking ,Jin could say he was lost in his stares when someone tapped his shoulders bringing him back to reality .

"Hi,you were lost there for a minute " the guy said to Jin .

"Hi" Jin replied not looking towards the other guy his focus was on Namjoon who would look him for a while with a smile displaying his dimples which suit him perfectly .

"I Know he is handsome , everyone here is literally drooling over him right now except me though cause I have my eyes on someone else  ." He said to Jin more like whisper .

That caught jin's attention towards the unknown person ,the guy looked nice and fashionable probably a CEO of some company cause he knew Namjoon wouldn't invite just anybody to his party .

"And who are you ?" Jin asked .

"I got your attention now good ,sorry for not introducing myself to you at first ,my name is Park chanyeol " chanyeol replied a wowed Jin .

Jin could not believe he was actually talking to one of the owners of the top ten most famous industries around the globe ,Jin shakes hands with him with a little bow "it's a pleasure meeting you Mr park" Jin said .

"What's Mr park are you an old man just call me chanyeol and I am Namjoon's distant cousin " chanyeol spoke .

"Ok sure ," Jin replied .

They both had few more glasses of champagne while talking about Namjoon and chanyeol's husband baekhyun who was into fashion and was currently in the crowd talking to some of his old client and making new ones ..

On the other hand Namjoon was really trying to get some space to talk to Jin so badly but his guest keeps coming at him not giving him chance to take a break ,but he somehow managed to check him out every few minutes ,he was relieved Jin was chatting with chanyeol like he can trust him not to flirt cause he is married but at the same time jealous cause Jin was so happy and smiling he wished he was the one making Jin happy not some one else ..

It's been an hour's yoongi and hoseok was out now drinking and having talk with chanyeol and his husband ,all of them sitting on a round table talking about their marriage and teasing each other ..

Jin was lost in the conversation,he wasn't happy Namjoon hasn't even approached him at all tonight but instead he has been busy with other people ,he guessed their was no need to be here since his main purpose of being here has shown no interest..

"I think we should leave hoseok am really tired " Jin told hoseok out of the blue disconnecting them from their conversation .

"Why ,you haven't met Namjoon yet remember " hoseok responded .

"I know,but he seems to be too busy for me so I might as well go home first to relax " Jin sadly said ..

"Okay how about giving me a few minutes to tell Namjoon am leaving " yoongi said to Jin.

"Sure ,I will be outside waiting I need some fresh air " Jin replied walking out .

Jin was at the garden sitting on one of the bench there ,he was so angry at himself for thinking Namjoon wanted to get things straight with him ,he didn't Know when tears started dripping down his cheeks ,he was broken he didn't know why he felt like he really needed to win Namjoon over to himself ..

He kept sobbing when he felt a warm arm wrapped around his shoulders down to his chest ,"Can you tell me why you are crying baby " Namjoon said into his ears giving him a shiver ...


Hope you guys are enjoying your day ..

See you next chapter 😜..

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