Chapter twelve

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Seokjin's focus ...

It's been a week since Namjoon and Jin last met and jin was missing him 100% though they talk on phone most of the time like right now in jin's office ..

Jin on call with Namjoon .

Hey baby ,how is your day going ?

It's good .

But you don't sound good anything the matter .

Not really am good .

Don't tell me that it evident in your voice that you ain't okay ,and what did I tell you about lying to me .

Okay fine ,I miss you so much .

I miss you too ,is that why you are sulking baby .

Yes, or is that not enough reason to be sad ..

You know am just one call away from you and you can visit me at my office anytime .

I can't come to your company in search of you ,who would I say I am .

Are you serious right now ?,just tell the security you are my baby .

Funny , seriously,with all the eyes on you ,do you want one of those rich artist of yours to send assassin's at me ehhhh ..

Haha , seriously why would you even think about that ,so that's why you are just killing yourself with fake imagination .

Whatever ,I gat to go Mr Kim Namjoon I have things to do ..

Why calling me my full name I prefer you calling me joonie it sounds more real and stop being such a drama queen if you miss me that much you can visit me anytime ..

Sure sir ,I will keep that in mind bye joonie ..

Byee baby jinie 

Their call ended ...

Jin missed Namjoon so much that for the past days he has been finger fucking himself ,he was too scared of using dildo so he uses his fingers almost every night since the last and only time they had sex .

He really needed to be pampered,being spoilt made him feel so good,relaxed and wanted but here he is horny all by himself ,the thought of Namjoon was making hard ,he was about putting his hand into his pants when a knock on his office door brought him back to trance ..

Jin- yes,come in .

Jimin walked into his office .

Jimin- hyung customers are already pilling up .

Jin- okay .

Jin bite on his bottom lips as he adjusted himself and walked out of his office "I really need to see joonie soon" .

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