Chapter sixteen (m)

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Ahhhh hhh joonie please calm down ,you have been on me since noon let me take a little break" Jin pleaded To a crazy driven Namjoon ..

Back scene before present occureance  ....

  After Namjoon's meeting the next day on their arrival which Jin came along out if jealousy even though he was limping ,the deal was sealed successfully so Namjoon decided to throw a little party ,the party was going smoothly till one handsome Badass came into the picture(he works with Namjoon and they both had a thiiny for a couple of months before now) ,he sat between Namjin and  immediately moved Jin aside and sat beside Namjoon.jin immediately walked away and Namjoon followed suite as they landed in the restroom .

Namjoon saw Jin washing his face and looking unrealistic so he back hugged him "baby what's the issue ,why did you walk out of the gathering like that ,are you okay ? "

Jin melted into his warm arms as he turned to face him as they both exchanged kiss ,though Jin was mad at the situation but Namjoon's presence made everything ease ."I love you joonie and I don't just want a babyboy and daddy relationship ,I want us to date in the sense that you can love or like me as a boyfriend not boytoy ..

Namjoon was speechless he hugged Jin tightly and kissed his neck "you have made me the happiest man on Earth with just that simple statement ,though I can't say I love you now boy know I really really like you ,so i want us to make this work " both kissed and held hands back to their table ..

They had more drinks and all of a sudden Namjoon started behaving all touchy ,it was weird Namjoon was drunk so early but Jin needed to take him home not just to save his face but also because Namjoon was among his workers .Jin drove them home but the drive wasn't swift Namjoon kept trying to touch Jin in private places but Jin finally got back home ..

Immediately they went through the hotel door ,Namjoon as been on him f*cking him too hard Jin could pass out but he didn't he wanted to stay strong but after the third round of sex Jin was exhausted ..

End of back scene ...


See you next chapter 😜, comment,like ..

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