Chapter eight

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Joonie?" .Jin asked like a baby.

"Yes it's me ,who made you cry "? Namjoon questioned an already moving Jin that's was going towards him and hugging him so tightly while still sobbing .

Yeah Jin was still sobbing he really wanted to stop but the fact that Namjoon came looking for him and the alcohol in this system,though he was very sober made him a little sensitive .

"Baby could you stop crying now ,I don't like you being hurt ,just give me name of whoever made you sad and I will end him for you ,just anything to make my baby Happy " Namjoon said to a still sobbing and clingy baby ..

"It's you joonie ,you are the reason for my tears but I don't want you gone just hold me like this all night " Jin said in between tears as Namjoon hold him in their embrace so tight ..

Flashback to what Happened before  Namjoon came to the garden...

Yoongi left the table in search of Namjoon In the gathering,he felt how hurt jin sounded and looked and he also knows that it wasn't Namjoon's fault cause he has noticed within the past few weeks that Namjoon liked Jin .

so he needed to make things right before matters got out of hand ,he sighted Namjoon and walked to him .

"Can I talk you " yoongi asked ."yeah sure " Namjoon responded .

"Like in private it is important " yoongi said ,"but am busy can't we do that later or tomorrow at work" Namjoon respond.

"It's about seokjin " yoongi utter . "What wrong with Jin ,did something happen to him while I wasn't watching " Namjoon asked  looking through the crowd if he could spot Jin but he was no were in trance ..

"Nothing happened but he is about to leave and I feel he is really hurt  cause you weren't giving him attention or even trying to " yoongi said

"Damn it were is he now ?" Namjoon asked ."he is probably outside somewhere waiting for me and hoseok so we could leave " yoongi respond.

"Thanks I owe you big time " Namjoon said to yoongi as he storms out the party in search of seokjin .

Yoongi returned to the table and asked the waiter to bring more drink ,hoseok was not comfortable thinking Jin was waiting for them but yoongi assured him he got everything covered ..

End of flashback..


Yoongi master mind of the Namjin duo..

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