Chapter seventeen .

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Jin was packing up their stuff to Leave when Namjoon's phone started ringing, Namjoon was bathing at that time so ,jin took the phone to the bathroom to notify Namjoon of his phone ringing ,he didn't look at the caller cause he didn't want to pocknose into Namjoon's privacy.

'joonie your phone is ringing repeatedly " Jin motioned the phone to Namjoon ."who is the caller " Namjoon asked and Jin turned the screen to his face the contacts name made him feel some kind of way as he told Namjoon "it's my baby boy " .
"Oh okay ,just leave the phone there I will call him back when am done " .

Jin's mood was off ,he was quiet all thru the ride back home not saying a word even when Namjoon say something or ask about anything his response didn't exceed "no' 'okay' .

They arrived and Namjoon drove him home personally as he packed at jin's house ,Jin was about unbelting when he held his hands ,"baby are you good,you have been oddly quiet since our trip back ,are you mad about how hard I was on you last night ,if that's the issue am really sorry for stressing you out like that " .Jin replied with an half smile "Am fine and the sex isn't the issue ,am just tired and need rest " .

"Okay then baby ,call me or text me when you have had enough rest " Namjoon said as he pulled Jin in for a quick kiss which Jin didn't respond to ,he just got off the car with his luggage and went into his apartment straight to his room as he removed his jacket and laid down on his bed ,he unconsciously cried himself to sleep ,for some reason his heart was hurting so much .

Meanwhile Namjoon went straight to his office cause he had much to do but couldn't concentrate ,he was worried sick about Jin ,though he is acting unaware he knows the reason Jin was moody is related to the call he got earlier today ,sure that was his ex baby boy he had splited with him on a good term after his first night with Jin ,he knew for sure he wanted to keep Jin forever not as a babyboy but a partner ,and knowing Jin was hurting really made his heart hurt in some kind of way ,he thought to himself he really needs to talk to someone so he called yoongi ,after explaining everything to him he pleaded that he sends hoseok home to check on him and yoongi agreed .

After his call ended ,he still felt uneasy so he decided he needed to explain everything to Jin this Evening after work  before things get out of hand but the message he got made his heart shatter into pieces "let's break joonie ,I can't do this .."from Jin .


Few chapters to go ,what do you guys think about jin's reaction ..

See you next chapter 😜.

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