Chapter five

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Next day ...

Jin woke up at the same spot he was crying on the bed yesterday ,he was alone in the bed for some unknown reason he felt bad for what Happened last night ,yeah he knew about all that occured last night.

After laying down for few minutes Jin decided to go into the sitting room to get water cause he was thirsty and he had an headache ,he put on his clothes on the floor ,his ass hurt a bit maybe cause of the fingers that was almost put into his ass hole last night but it was bearable .

He walked over to see Namjoon on his laptop and some papers on the table ,Jin could say he wishes Namjoon wasn't there he was so embarrassed , he went into the kitchen were he spotted a fridge he took out a bottle of water and drank almost everything ,which he placed the remain into the fridge and closed it.

Though all this times Namjoon Didn't look at his side not even once ,this made him feel uneasy ,he sighted his phone on the center table which he took to see it's already 10am and he had missed calls from his friends ,it was few hours to rush hour he needed to be in his restaurant but walking out would be rude so he decided to greet Namjoon and notify him he was leaving .

"Goodmorning joonie ,shit sorry Mr Kim" Jin cursed himself for making such mistake ,after standing for few minutes he didn't get a response so he raised his head from the floor to be met with a starring Namjoon .

"Come sit here seokjin let's have a chat before you leave " Namjoon said to a nervous Jin .

Namjoon - can you tell me the meaning or reason for what Happened last night ?.

Jin- am so sorry Mr Kim ,I can explain .

Namjoon- am all ears ..

Jin - the truth is that , I have never had sex with anyone before ,you were going to be my first .

Namjoon- what the fuck,why the fuck didn't you tell me you were a virgin? I need a submissive not an amateur .

Jin - Am so sorry .

Namjoon - don't apologise to me so I guess yoongi is in this with you ,the nerve he had trying to make a fool out of me  ..

Jin - it wasn't his fault ,he was only looking out for a friend ,the truth is that I am a total submissive like I can't top at all and cause of my stature I always attract bottoms so that's why I haven't been able to get a total dominate boyfriend ..Am so sorry I wanted to just get the opportunity of feeling wanted ..

Namjoon - that still doesn't justify your reason for lying to me .

Namjoon got up his chair and was about walking out when Jin spoke up with his last resort to see if Namjoon would change his mind to keep him as a submissive not that Namjoon has said he didn't want him anymore but that was what he felt ..

Jin - if I had told you would you have given me a chance ? Am leaving for work ,think about what you want and let me know you know were to find me..

Jin walked out ..

Namjoon wasn't exactly angry anymore he just wanted to make Jin understand that lying doesn't solve anything and he was definitely going to have a word with yoongi ..

On the other hand Jin hoped Namjoon would come find him cause he has taken a liking to him already and would be more than glad to be submit totally to him ..

Total submissive /bottom Namjin ff ✔️Where stories live. Discover now