Chapter thirteen .

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Jin was done with his work for the day ,he cleaned up and decided to retire to his apartment for the night by 8:30 pm but his bestfriend hoseok decides to call and give him talks about how yoongi was planning a surprise anniversary gift for him by taking him to Hawaii ,the both talked about it for a while Jin totally forgot about his phone cause they were talking from the office line phone that he didn't notice the message from Namjoon which says ."am at your apartment I guess you should be home soon can't wait to see you ..."

The both friends talked for more than an hour which finally came to an end and Jin thought how bright Hawaii will look this summer ,he hasn't been to Hawaii but he has seen it on television and he really likes the place cause of the brightness and so much more ,he wished he could visit there one of this day and hopefully with Namjoon.

He shakes his thought off grabbing the phone as he went to were his car was parked and drove off to his apartment ,the drive was quick cause the distance from his house to the restaurant wasn't much ,as he got closer he sighted a very nice car parked in front ,he wondered who that could be Namjoon never notified him of coming over so he drove into his parking space and came down with his phone at hand ,he walked to the car point to see Namjoon sleeping inside with the car light that was On .

"Shit " Jin exclamated as he knocked on Namjoon's car door glass ,Namjoon woke up opening the door as he brought out the bouquet of flowers and chocolates he got for Jin .

"Joonie am so sorry I kept you outside,how long have you been here " Jin asked as they both walked to his entrance door as he unlocked it and put the flowers in a flower pot and came to sit with Namjoon.

"Didn't you get my text ?" Namjoon asked a confused Jin who quickly brought out his phone to check and got speechless when he saw a text sent by Namjoon over 2hours ago ..

"Am so sorry joonie ,I was on call on the office line phone with hoseok and didn't take a notice on my phone will you forgive me this time pleaseeee" Jin apologised with the most babyish face he could come up with and Namjoon on the other hand couldn't resist it as just pulled Jin to a hug sniffing his scent he really missed Jin so much,he guess waiting outside was worth it as long as he could meet with such creature and the only thought on his head right now is to bend him over this couch and make him know how much he missed him ..

"So baby how are you going to make up for keeping me waiting "Namjoon asked which he was expecting a response like ,use me as you like daddy ,choke him till I cum,tie me up but the response he got made his wants flat.

"I brought some food from the restaurant I will quickly heat it up and prepare meat with the beef in my fridge I know you will love it " Jin said standing up and walking into his kitchen leaving a disappointed Namjoon ..

Time skip after dinner ..

After their dinner together Namjoon decided to leave since he wasn't getting any green light from Jin but got stopped when Jin suddenly kissed him and jumped on him straddling his waist ..

"I don't want you to leave joonie I missed you and I know you miss me too from all the stares ,so i want you to make me feel wanted " before Jin could finished Namjoon as palmed his ass kissing his neck which could leave hickey's ,moans were already evident from jin's mouth .

"Were is your bedroom" Namjoon asked and Jin pointed out to his room ,as Namjoon carried him in and the rest was history ..


Hope you enjoyed this chapter like , comment..

See you next chapter 😜..

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