Chapter nineteen .

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Next morning ..

The night went by so quickly ,Jin was cuddling up on Namjoon's chest they didn't have a serious conversation yesterday cause Jin  was all clingy. though they didn't have sex but Namjoon cuddled him all through the night  ..

Namjoon served Jin breakfast in bed,he didn't prepare it himself but ordered that doesn't matter as long as he made his 'boyfriend? Feel special. "Hey baby , goodmorning come eat breakfast love " Jin grumbled as he waked up spreading his hands wide for Namjoon to carry  him up which he did  and sat him down at a center table in jin's bedroom,"hhhh" Jin widened his mouth to be feed and Namjoon complied feeding and kissing him from time to time .

There breakfast went by perfectly. Jin and Namjoon freshened up and got ready for their day but before they could step out Namjoon held Jin down and both sat at the sitting couch as they engaged into the conversation .

Namjoon started after clearing his throat "Jin you know about yesterday , we didn't have a talk about what's going on with us and I understand if you still don't want us to talk about it " Jin interrupted with his head low a"I want us to have this talk now ,it's important we do " .

'okay then ' Namjoon continued "I want you to understand that the person you saw calling was my last babyboy ,I didn't explain anything to you about the call cause we ain't together anymore have told him about you and we are clear on the matter ,I don't want you thinking all sorts of insane things in that head of yours cause of jealousy" Jin interrupted with a pout " but you still saved his name with my babyboy ,anyone would be upset seeing that in the phone of someone they like ,but am sorry for overreacting ,I got too ahead of myself please forgive me joonie " .

Namjoon kissed him on his forehead "I should be the one apologizing for making you cry so hard and not making our relationship clear enough ,Jin you should Know by now how much I value you more than just a sex partner and that brings me to this ' Namjoon went on his knees "will you marry me Jin and make me the luckiest man alive " at this time Jin was Already tearing up ,he was so happy he could pass out ,he nodded his head cause of lost of words and Namjoon put the ring on his fingers and wore his own .

Jin engulfed Namjoon to a hug after which both kissed so tenderly one could feel the emotions woozing out of them ,they both pulled out and their foreheads merge as Namjoon speaks "seokjin I Know am not experienced with love responsibility but I want to try every new thing with you and I hope you can teach me " Jin blushed as he respond "I don't have experience either so we just have to teach each other " both chuckled as they hugged each other tightly just as if the world came to a pause ..

The end ..


Lol 😂😂 Don't worry there will be special chapters soon....

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