Chapter fourteen

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Next morning Jin woke up to an empty space on the bed ,he guessed Namjoon must have left but when the bedroom door opened to a shirtless Namjoon and a tray of bacon, egg ,toasted bread and milkshake which Namjoon ordered  ,Jin smiled unintentionally he was happy Namjoon stick around as a boyfriend and didn't leave before he woke up as an hookup .

"Baby breakfast is served let's eat " Namjoon saw that Jin was finding it difficult to get up  the bed he understood why cause he couldn't stop having sex with Jin last night they had like 3-4 rounds of sex ,he was proud of Jin being able to withstand him so he decided to treat him to breakfast and surprise him after which as a thank you ..

Namjoon first gave Jin some painkillers to reduce the pain while Jin sat on his laps as he feed him and ate a bit from it ,both finished their breakfast and processed to take a shower which lead to kissing and smooching ,Jin didn't stop Namjoon from going further than kissing but Namjoon controlled himself ,he knew Jin was really tired from last night and needed rest ..

Both laid on bed after showering ,"joonie ain't you going to work today ? " Jin asked cause Namjoon cuddled him up like a child holding his mom."no am not we are going on a trip this evening "

"What ! trip to where ? " Jin asked "Paris baby we are going to Paris to have a sweet weekend and for work " .

"Seriously ,I thought you were giving me a vacation how come there is work too " Jin laid the other side pouting .

"Well the truth is I need to meet a client in Paris for some work signing tomorrow morning so I thought we could enjoy the weekend ,we leave today in my private jet I sign the contract tomorrow morning and the rest of the day we could go sight seeing, and we get to relax on Sunday then get back here as early on Monday morning for both of us to resume work ,so don't be mad baby consider me okay .." Namjoon turned him over kissing his lips .

"Okay no problem but I have to call jimin to control the restaurant tomorrow which is Saturday we don't have a lot of guest anyways " Jin .

"Don't bother yourself about that baby I already told hoseok to rely a message across so you need to pick some necessities ,you don't have to pack much we are going to shop in Paris ," Namjoon concluded .

"Nope,I have a lot of clothes and accessories I don't need more " Jin says sassily getting off the bed to go get prepared for their trip ..

"How about wines??" Namjoon teased ."that I must buy ,I heard paris has the most of the best wines " Jin excitedly said .

Namjoon smiled to Jin sassy self ,the fact that Jin was happy was enough for him he really wants to make Jin happy and that ass swinging in his front was not making it easy for him to have self control .

Time skip to them arriving in Paris ..

The flight was relaxing,enjoyable and everything Jin imagined ,he never thought he would ride on a private jet in his life time but there he was flying not only in a private jet but with a man he love?no like ? Nooo whatever he hasn't decided what he feels for Namjoon yet or he knows but he is waiting for Namjoon to show some signs of interest towards him heartedly not sexually ..

They arrived at a five star hotel ,one of Namjoon's secretary already booked a VIP suite for their stay and was there to receive them ,Jin wasn't comfortable with the way the secretary was all over Namjoon all in the name of talking about business ...

Immediately they got to the entrance of their room ,their were boxes pushed in by the hotel portals Jin asked the secretary to leave them they needed rest ,Namjoon wanted to question Jin for his action but jin's face dis played some kind of emotion that Namjoon wasn't expecting so he just let it go ..

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