Chapter eighteen

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A knock on the door ,Jin opened the door with tears running down his face as hoseok and yoongi embraced him to a hug for comfort ,hoseok hugged him and held him inside while yoongi close the door but didn't lock it .

Hoseok sat close to Jin on the couch as he comforted him ,they stayed in that position for long till Jin spoke up "am thirsty " hoseok wanted to let him off and go get him water but yoongi signed him to stay and went into the kitchen to get a cold cup of water ,Jin gulped it down and with an heavy  breath down  ,he pulled off hoseok's hold and sat on his own .

Hoseok asked "are you okay Jin ?" With that question Jin started sobbing again as he spoke with few stutter "Am not okay ,I bro~ke up with Namjoon just when I tho~u~ght we were working out so much but I ruined it because of jealousy without fact  I just called it off like that without even let~ti~ng him say any~thing " hoseok tried to rub his back to help him relax but it seems it isn't working ."I need a drink ,like a very hard drink like vodka " Jin requested ."I don't think that's a good idea " yoongi tried to stop Jin who was walking towards his bar to get whiskey and ice .hoseok stopped yoongi from intruding he knew Jin was hurt and making things better was the only way forwards so he excused himself inside jin's bathroom saying he wants to urinate while yoongi keeps Jin company while they both drink.

Meanwhile in the bathroom hoseok dialed Namjoon's number ,it rang for a while before Namjoon picked but before hoseok could say anything he responded with "Am already on my way, yoongi sent me a video of Jin hurting and also told me the door was unlock so please you guys should keep him company before I get there " . Hoseok was amused he just dropped the call and went back to the living kissing yoongi on his lips ,"I love you so much Min yoongi and you always give me a reason to love you more " .."I love you too hoseokie you mean the world to me and making you happy is my number one priority " both held each other while Jin drank his full glass of whiskey seeing how the yoonseok duo looked so perfect ,he was a bit jealous but at same time Happy for his friends ..

Few minutes has passed ,hoseok was already drunk though he didn't even take two glasses ,yoongi was still sober while hoseok was a lil tipsy and talkative ,when someone walked into the apartment Jin was speechless when he saw Namjoon ,he rushed into his arms and apologized "Am sorry joonie for making unreasonable decisions without consulting you first " .. the Namjin duo were still bonding while yoongi carried hoseok in bridal style out ..

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