#12 (Rainbow Quest)

370 17 15

M: Stop talking about getting possessed!

Sabre: I'm free real estate.



Void, to Rainbow: Talk dirty to me~

Rainbow: The dishes.

Void: What?

Rainbow: They're dirty, and you still haven't cleaned them.


Shadow, to Time: How do Dark and Sabre usually get out of these messes?

Time, holding a cup of tea and not looking up from his book: They don't. They just make an even bigger mess that cancels out the other one.

*Explosion in the distance*

Time, unfazed: Like that.


Chestplate Yellow: Hey Light, my hands are cold.

Light: *Puts his warm hands over Yellow's hands*

Chestplate Yellow: Hey Light my lips are cold too.

Light: *Puts his hands over Yellow's mouth*


Sabre: Did you guys ever cry yourself to sleep because of your living conditions?

Dark: No...what kind of question is that?

Time: It's not a question, it's a demand for therapy.


Soul: Put on some sunscreen.

Corruption: No thanks, I'm not weak.

Soul: You think you're stronger than the sun?


Soul, shaking Corrupt by the shoulders: THE FREAKING SUN??


Shadow: I hate it whenever Sabre asks 'Are you even listening to me?!'

Shadow: Like what a random way to start a conversation.


Dark, awake in the middle of the night: Do you know what time it is?

Sabre: Uhh...

Sabre: I dunno, hand me that trombone, Dark.

Dark: How is that relevant to-

Sabre: Hand me the trombone, Dark.

Dark: *Heavy sighs and passes Sabre the trombone*

Sabre: *Proceeds to play the trombone VERY loudly*

Time, in his room: Who in their right mind would play a TROMBONE AT THREE A.M.?!

Time, storming through the halls loudly: The ONE TIME I try to get some sleep-

Sabre, now scared: It's around three A.M..


*Corruption's funeral*

Soul: Can I have a moment with him...?

Void: Of course.

*Void, Sabre and Shadow (The only ones to show up) leave*

Soul, turning angrily to the casket: Now listen here you little crap I know you're not actually dead-

Corruption, opening his eyes: Yeah no crap. Can you come dig me up later?


Elemental: Time, knock knock.

Time, in a bad mood: Go away Elemental. I don't want to be part of another one of your time-centered jokes.


Elemental: All you had to say was 'who's there?'

𝙎𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙚. - 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙖/𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙬 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩  2 ✍︎︎Where stories live. Discover now