#13 (Steve Saga Origins)

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Okay sheesh we're already at 900 reads and this is only the 4th update. I'm glad to see you all supporting this book, and thank you for almost 1k reads already!

If you like this book, then I'd suggest checking out my new Sabre's Assassin's Creed incorrect quotes book, Ebullience! Updates will come out at the same time as this book, so if you liked AC, you'll like this new book!

Anyways, enjoy reading!

Dark: The glass is half empty.

Hypno: I think the glass is half full.

Dark: I think you're full of crap.


*Origins crew on a mission*

Professor Red: From now on, we'll be using code names.

Professor Red: You can address me as 'Eagle One.'

Professor Red: Yellow, codename 'Been there, done that.'

Professor Red: Green is 'Currently doing that.'

Professor Red: Blue is 'It happened once in a dream.'

Professor Red: Rainbow is 'If I had to pick a steve.'

Professor Red: And Purple is...

Professor Red:


Professor Red: 'Eagle Two.'

Purple: Oh, thank Origin.


Dark: Way to go, Hypno. The bar was already set pretty low, but you found a shovel and tunneled underneath it.


Rainbow: Blue, what's a ship?

Blue: It's a big boat, like the Titanic.

Rainbow: But why would people want us to be a boat?

Purple and Yellow: *Laughing in the corner*

Blue: What do you mean, Rain?

Rainbow: People say they ship us. I don't get what they mean.

Purple and Yellow: *Falls on the floor laughing*



Yellow: We have the element of surprise!

Blue: Exactly. Not even we know what we're doing.


*What happens while Professor Red tries to do something important*

Purple: *Drapes himself over Professor Red's lap and looks up at him with a pout* Professor, tell me I'm pretty...

Professor Red, grabbing Purple's face with both hands and smiling lovingly at him: You're pretty freaking annoying, that's what you are.


Rainbow: Goodbye.

Nightmare: I hate you.

Rainbow: Badbye.


Green: What are your goals?

Yellow: To pet all the ocelots.

Green: No, fitness goals.

Yellow: To be able to run fast enough to pet all the ocelots.


Rainbow: Look at the bright side Purple!

Rainbow: At least things can't get any-

*Starts raining*

Purple: Excuse me, were you about to say worse?

Rainbow: No...

Purple: You sure?

Rainbow: Yep sure wasn't...


Nightmare: I feel fine, Dark, stop worrying.

Dark: You were just stabbed!

Nightmare: Ah, don't worry. I've been stabbed before.


𝙎𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙚. - 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙖/𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙬 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩  2 ✍︎︎Where stories live. Discover now