#9 (Steve Saga Origins)

303 12 9

Almost forgot to publish this week's quotes 😅
Also, ty for over 500 reads already! At this rate, we'll reach 1k in no time!

Rainbow: Do blind people see their dreams?

Purple: Do deaf people hear their thoughts?

Professor Red: Do you two ever shut the heck up?


Hypno: Can you pass the salt?

Dark: Can you pass your classes?

Hypno: Too much salt.


Rainbow: Hey Blue, knock knock.

Blue: Who's there?

Rainbow: Kiss.

Blue: Kiss who?

Rainbow: Kiss me! ;D

Blue: Did you-

Blue: Did you just confess to me through a knock knock joke?


Hypno: Let it go! Let it go!

Dark: Hypno won't stop bothering me anyway!


Yellow: Hey Blue, tell us a secret.

Blue: I have a crush on Rainbow!

Purple: He said a secret, Blue.


Green: I need advice.

Rainbow: *Eating gummy bears and cookies for breakfast* You came to the right person!


Yellow, to Professor Red: I dare you to kiss the next person that walks through that door!

Professor Red: I'm not kissing any of you!

*Purple walks through the door*

Professor Red: *Grabs Purple's wrist* Rules are rules.


Blue: The door is frozen shut!

Rainbow: Let me try something!

Rainbow: Open sesame!

Rainbow: Well that didn't work.


Blue: You literally have the artifacts.


Purple: Would you still love me if I was the only steve alive?

Professor Red: If you were the only steve alive, I'd be dead.


Rainbow: Do I look straight?

Yellow: Not at all.

Rainbow: I mean my parking.

Yellow: Oh, in that case, also no.

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