#8 (Rainbow Quest)

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M: Did it hurt?

Sabre: Hm?

M: When you fell from the World Beyond.

Sabre: Well I have died before so yeah?


Depressed Rainbow: *Sighs* Nobody loves me.

Void: Are you sure about that?

Depressed Rainbow: Yes *Sighs*

Void, aggressively pointing at himself: ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT, RAINBOW STEVE?


Time: You know, there's some times I don't think you take me seriously.

Elemental: Really, there are times you think I do?


Sabre: Do you know how long twenty-six hours is?




Sabre: That's a potato.


*Sabre and M's Wedding (Which a lot of us want to see but know won't happen)*

M, to Red Leader: You're like a father to me. But if you ever hurt Sabre...you're going to see much more of the angry side of your Apprentice, instead of the sweet, kind and forgiving Apprentice.

Red Leader: *Nervous laughter*


Corruption, to Soul: Why are you like this?

Soul: I used no tear shampoo as a child and I've had no emotions since.


Sabre: What's Plan A?

Rainbow: Don't fall in love with Void.

Sabre: And what's Plan B?

Rainbow: Don't mess up Plan A.

Sabre: And what did you do?

Rainbow, looking down in shame: I failed Plan A.

Sabre, glancing up in shock: You messed up Plan A?!


Light: I swear to Origin whoever took my white shirt is gonna-

Chestplate Yellow: *Walks in wearing Light's white shirt*

Light: -go on a date with me.

Yep, I'm adding the Light and Chestplate Yellow ship to my RQ Ship List now, so expect incorrect quotes with them now-

*Void, Soul and Corrupt as detectives*

Void: At the crime scene we saw cocaine, semen and alcohol. Our conclusion?

Corruption: Absolute legend.

Soul: *Slaps Corrupt in the face*


Chestplate Yellow: *Stares at Light*

Light: Staring is weird.

Chestplate Yellow: Oh sorry. *Looks away*

Light: Did I tell you to stop?

Chestplate Yellow: What?

Light: What?

𝙎𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙚. - 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙖/𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙬 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩  2 ✍︎︎Where stories live. Discover now