#14 (Steve Saga)

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Shadow, covered in blood: I- feel weird...

Dark: That would be your conscience.

Shadow: Ah, no, that can't be it. I think I got rid of that thing awhile ago.


Galaxy: Don't panic, I'm in charge!

Purple and Rainbow: THAT'S WHY WE'RE PANICKING!


Lucas: I'm going to tell you something, and I need you to not overreact.

Sabre: When have I ever overreacted?


Shadow: I have a plan, but I need someone's help!

Dark: *Gets out a wheel of names and spins it, seeing it land on Negative*

Dark: Negative, it's your turn!

Negative: Dang it!


Galaxy: As your best friend-

Sabre: Rainbow's my best friend.

Galaxy: As YoUr BeSt FrIeNd-


Past!Time: It's Memory's birthday party. Care to come with us?

Past!Elemental: And spoil my carefully calculated air of selfishness and unconcern? No, thank you.


Positive: OoOo! Look at the pretty butterflies!

Negative: Butterflies are winged worms.

Positive: Do you have to ruin everything?


Galaxy: I fell for you.

Purple: Yeah, you jumped off a building while Rainbow was chasing you.


Sabre: I don't really care where anyone ended up, but is everyone alive and not in jail?

Galaxy: Not in jail?

Rainbow: Alive?


Positive: *Opens his arms*

Shadow: What do you want?

Positive: Uhm...duh! A hug! :D

Shadow: I don't want to give you one!

Negative: *Slowly slides out from the dark corner into Positive's arms*

𝙎𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙚. - 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙖/𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙬 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩  2 ✍︎︎Where stories live. Discover now