#16 (Rainbow Quest)

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Soul: Corrupt, are you mad?

Corruption: No, why would you think that?

Soul: So polishing your guns at three A.M. is a hobby?


Time: Your average pineapple, peeled and cut, makes about four cups or ounces of pineapple chunks. Cans of pineapple come in a variety of sizes, the most weighing two hundred ounces and forty-six ounces.


Time: Meaning a single pineapple won't generally fill you a whole can perfectly, which also means every time you eat a pineapple from a can, someone somewhere else has the can that has the rest of the same pineapple.


Time: Which means you can share a single pineapple with a stranger from hundreds of miles away and I think that's beautiful.

Dark: How much sleep have you been getting-

Time: *Drinks his 30th cup of coffee* Not enough.


Sabre: Guys guess what I got!

M: Red Leader's forgiveness?

Therapist Green: Therapy?

Light: A decent sleep schedule?

Sabre: NO!


Soul, drinking soda: *Belches his heart out*

Corruption, putting down his vodka: *Belches louder*

Soul: >:/

Corruption: >:)

Void, sitting between them: I'm separating you two for a reason.


Elemental: Time? I have a question.

Time: What is it El?

Elemental: Why do you eat like you're in the nineteen hundreds?

Time: Why do you eat like you have free healthcare?

Elemental: Huh, fair point.


*Sabre and M texting*

Sabre: Wanna know who the prettiest steve in the world is?

M: Who?

Sabre: Read the first word.

Sabre: Wait no, I messed up-


Dark: Guess who's the greatest person in the world?

Nightmare: Oh gee. I. Don't. Know.

Dark: Not you.


*Rainbow Kingdom Council Meeting in season 4*

Indigo Leader: What if mayonnaise came in cans?

Blue Leader: That would suck because you can't microwave metal.

Yellow Leader: Well, good morning to everyone except those two.


*Chaos Family in a nutshell*

Sabre, panicking: Corrupt wants to fight me! What do I do?! I can hardly fight!

Void, without looking up: Bonk him on the back of his head.

Shadow, popping out of nowhere: Yeah, it's nature's snooze button!

Soul, carrying a plate of sweets: It'll be easy for you since you're small and fast.

Sabre, now confused: Why are you helping?? He's your brother! Aren't you the more peaceful one?

Soul, maintaining eye-to-blindfold contact, eating a slice of cake: You say that like it's an issue for me wanting to see him get hurt.


Sabre: *Clings onto M's arm*

M: *Sighs* You know, when we first met, you didn't want to be touched by me - or anyone really. But now you can't stand five minutes alone without contact.

Sabre: *Gives him a look and lets go*

M: BUT there's nothing wrong with the clinginess. Heck, I love it.

Sabre: *Takes his arm again* You better love it.

𝙎𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙚. - 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙖/𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙬 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩  2 ✍︎︎Where stories live. Discover now