#20 (Rainbow Quest)

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Hypno: There are some really kind people in the world.

Sabre: You laughed at a child falling down yesterday.

Hypno: I never said I was one of them.


Light: You're ignoring all your problems.

Evil!Rainbow: Yeah, I know.

Light: That's not a healthy coping mechanism.

Evil!Rainbow: Well-

Evil!Rainbow: Guess I gotta ignore that too.


Void: I'm not saying one of my kids is more difficult than the others, but so far, Sabre wants a new guitar for Christmas, Soul wants a new sword, and Corruption wants a dinosaur egg so he can raise and train his own velociraptor from birth.


Sabre: I never considered you an enemy.

Hypno: I never considered you at all.


Sabre: Now that's just hurtful.


Red Leader: Did you stop to think this through?

Professor Red: Bold of you to assume I ever think.


Yellow (To Light): I love laying my head on your chest when you're sleeping so I can listen to your heartbeat.

Evil!Rainbow (To Void): I recorded you snoring so you can hear how freaking loud you are and realize why I can't sleep.


Sabre: What's the hardest thing for you to say?

Hypno: 'I'm sorry.'

Elemental: 'I was wrong.'

Shadow: 'I am weak.'

Time: 'I am hurt.'

M: 'I need help.'

Sabre: I was gonna say Worcestershire sauce-


Red Leader, on the phone with Professor Red: What are you doing?

Professor Red: Don't worry it's legal.


M: I love hardback books.

M: They're relaxing to hold and make a great weapon.

He's not wrong tho-

Dark: Sabre, truth or dare?

Sabre: Truth.

Dark: Tell the truth. Do you like M?

Sabre: Dare!

Dark: I dare you to tell us you like M.

Sabre: Never have I ever...

Dark: Wait that's not even the game-

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2022 ⏰

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