XVII. A Conversation with the Queen

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Becca was looking at the looming castle as the carriage stopped in front of the gate. The driver was talking with the guard before the gate was opened as the carriage rolled onto the courtyard of the Royal Castle. Becca's heart was beating fast as the blood was roaring inside her ears. She did not know if she can face the queen alone when Niklaus was not with her. She wished that her husband will be with her. But alas, she was here on her own.

"We're here, Your Grace," the coachman said as the weight of the footman stepped down from the carriage can be heard. She was taking a deep breath before the footman was opening the door of the carriage. The huge oak doors of the Royal Castle were opened as Becca was getting off from the carriage with the help of the footman. She was gathering her skirts before smoothing it as the butler was opening the door and she saw the form of the young queen came at her.

"Becca! It's so good to see you," she said before Becca was standing with her back straight as she was smiling at the young queen.

"Ara, how are you doing?" she said before the queen was hugging her. She was hugging her cousin-in-law before the carriage was rolling out of the courtyard so that the horses can rest and the servants can take their rest. Arabella was smiling at her before she was leading her toward the castle.

"Come in, come in! Don't be shy. I know how exhausting the trip from the outskirts to get here," she said as Ara was wounding her hands around her arm. Becca was feeling awkward but she felt familiar at the same time. It was as if Ara has been a part of her life somehow even when it has been a few weeks when she was married to Niklaus.

"So, how's my cousin? Is he still brooding in his private study?" Ara said as Becca was removing her outer coat and handed it to the butler. The butler bowed before leaving the queen and her alone. She was smoothing her bodice before Becca was smiling at her cousin.

"Well, he's been okay. Not brooding over the tenants' ledgers as you might think, Ara," she said before the queen was giving a quick tour of the castle.

"Well, this is the parlor and this long hallway will lead us to the receiving room as well as the music room and painting room. I don't know if you know any instrument to play—"

"I know how to play the pianoforte," Becca said before Ara was smiling at her.

"Well, we can get you to play for us later after luncheon but for now, let's have some tea, shall we?" she asked before they were making their way to the receiving room. The queen already told her butler to carry a tray of hot tea and biscuits for them to entertain themselves in the receiving room.

"I hope you don't mind having luncheon here. Nick will be joining us later," Ara said as the maid was pouring the tea into their cups. Then, she dismissed her maid as Ara was smiling at Becca before her eyes were training on the choker that she wore. Her smile was bright.

"Well, I'm sure you have something to ask me before we have our luncheon and while we're waiting for the gentlemen to arrive, you can ask me, Becca," the young queen said as she was taking a teacup and drank her hot tea. Becca was biting her lower lips before she sighed.

"It's...I...how do I say this? Nick told me that you can answer any question regarding this," Becca showed her choker as the young queen was nodding at her while putting her teacup on the table. The new duchess sighed. "I don't know if the conversion will affect me. I know that you guys had Porphyria when you were in your adolescence but I am already 23 years old. Will it be a different experience than what you had?" Becca said as the queen was nodding at her. Ara smiled before she was patting Becca's hands.

"Do not worry, my dear. You will feel strange and you will have some changes to your body. Meaning that you will be having some symptoms that might be like when we had Porphyria but it was not as horrible as that," Ara said as she wrinkled her nose. Becca stared at it.

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