XI. Explaining the Scandal

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"Make haste. I have to go home now. John, take the shortest way to Belikov Estate," Niklaus instructed his coachman before he nodded.

"Aye, Your Grace,"

Niklaus got inside the carriage before the coachman was whipping the horses as they neighed before the carriage was moving forward. Niklaus was gripping the tabloid before he cursed. "Damnation," he cursed under his breath as he was looking at the sky. He just hoped that Becca was not going anywhere when Niklaus knew that woman was unpredictable as hell.

The drive was short, thankful for the easy gliding and the high-quality coach that Niklaus owned that he made it faster than he could imagine. He walked up the stairs before the butler was opening the door for him. "Where's my wife?" Niklaus asked the butler as he replied that Becca was in the library. Niklaus strode to the library before he was opening the door and Becca was sipping on the tea beside the fire.

"I see that you are home, husband," Becca stated as she put the cup down before her vivid eyes were looking at him. Niklaus gulped as he never sees this side of Becca before. Usually, she was sarcastic and cynical but today, she was different.

Menacing, dangerous even.

"Have you seen the papers? Becca, it's not what you think—"

"And what would that you thought I would think once I saw the papers, husband?" Becca stated as she was playing with the rim of the glass. Niklaus was looking at her as she was tilting her head. "Well, care to share what do you think I thought, Your Grace?" Becca said as Niklaus was walking slowly inside the library.

"It's not like the papers suggested. I did not sleep with her last night, Becca. I swear," Niklaus said as Becca was sipping on her tea again. She was not showing any expression before she was standing up from the divan that she sat on.

"I see," Becca stated before she was moving toward the door, walking past Niklaus before he snatched her wrist. Becca turned to look at her wrist before she turned to look at Niklaus. "Let me go, Your Grace," she stated as Niklaus was shaking his head.

"No, not until you told me that I am forgiven," he stated as Becca was arching her eyebrow at him.

"So you did do something guilty last night?"

"No! I am not. I just want you to be yourself again. Not this...cold woman," Niklaus stated as Becca shrugged.

"Maybe this is the real me that you never see before," Becca stated before Niklaus scoffed.

"No, you're lying," Niklaus stated as Becca was glaring at him.

"Let me go, Your Grace," she stated as Niklaus smirked.

"Not until you are not mad at me," Niklaus said as he tightened his grip. Becca flinched but she covered it well. Niklaus loosened the grip a bit.

"Fine, you want it the hard way," Becca said as she was raising her other hand and she was bringing it forward before Niklaus was capturing it. Becca glared at him before she was struggling against his grip. "Let me go, you oaf,"

"Never," Niklaus barked before Becca laughed humorlessly.

"Really? Are you sure about that cause I read that you prefer an opera singer to your wife?"

"You did say that I have to get my own needs elsewhere and I do have to fill it, Becca. So don't blame me if you are unwilling to give it to your husband," Niklaus hissed before Becca was looking at him. Then, something happened.

Becca's tears streamed down her cheeks. "You oaf! Let me go!" Becca shouted as she was trying to get away from Niklaus as her husband was gripping her wrists too tight.

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