XXI. Oldest Sister Came to Visit

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"I see that you have been glowing ever since you're married, Nick,"

"And I have seen that you are being extra annoying, Ian. I wonder if you should get leg shackled as well so that your annoyance will not ruin my day," Nick said as he was reviewing the matter of his tenants as well as the problems within the court.

The Lesser Gentry, the mortal lords that knew about the secret of the royal family and the Higher Court lords, was trying to make sure that their respective tenants were happy without having to rely on the Higher Court. But it would seem impossible since they have to make sure that everyone was treated the same and fair. Nick rubbed his temple as Ian was settling on the chair in front of his desk.

"Still not giving me the land, are you?" he said as Nick was glaring at his peer. Ian was smirking before he was whistling low. Niklaus was sighing before rubbing his eyes as he leaned back on his chair.

"I won the bet, Ian. Hence, no land for you right now or in the future. I wish that you would win but considering that my wife did not run away from me, you can say that I am here to stay and she will be with me all the way in our lives together," Nick said as he was smirking at the marquis. Ian was blinking his eyes, trying to process the information that Niklaus just disclosed to him.

"Did you mean—"


"Is she—"


"How do you know it's possible? Will she not die in the process of the conversion, Nick? I hate to tell you I told you so later but if anything happens and you are not in the right mind, I will tell you now. Nick, I don't think we can convert a lady to be a Vampyre. I'm sorry but I told you so," Ian said as Nick was rolling his eyes. He was rubbing his temple before he took a deep breath and looked at the marquis.

"Do you know how Aiden and how Arabella was able to wed him?" Nick asked Ian as he was arching his eyebrow at the marquis. Ian shook his head. "It's because Aiden was converted and to think that if a male can be converted—"

"Why can't a female? I see your point, Nick, but are you willing to lose her if anything—"

Everything went by so fast that the papers were off from the table as Nick was glaring at Ian. The marquis knew not to provoke the Duke of Belikov for he was the strongest Vampyre in their ranks.

Why Niklaus was not the king sometimes baffled Ian.

"I would like you to refrain from talking nonsense, Ian. And I don't like it when you're thinking that my wife will die before her time," Nick's voice was calm but Ian knew not to say anything for he can see the fury inside the duke's eyes.

"Of course," Ian mumbled before he was running his fingers through his hair, "my mistake,"

Nick ignored him as he went back to pick up the papers when he knew he shouldn't do that. Now, he has doubled the workload for his night. So much for leaving early to be with my wife, he thought before he went to collect the papers and trying to ignore the pain at the thought of losing Becca when he just found his soulmate.


Becca was pacing back and forth in the drawing room before she heard the sound of hooves hitting the cobblestones of the courtyard. She went to greet her husband as the butler was opening the door for Niklaus to come in his immaculate Ditto suit; black breeches with a black waistcoat with a black outer coat. He handed the hat and the gloves to the butler as he was smiling at her.

"Becca, I see that you are eager to meet me as soon as I am home," Nick said as she strode toward him. He did the same before he captured her face and kissed the shit out of her. She has been dying to have his lips against her but the pressure of her sister's letter was burning at the back of her mind that she cannot enjoy a simple act such as kissing her own husband.

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