XX. Unexpected Letter

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Gulping the saliva that was accumulating in her mouth, Becca was turning to look at her husband. Niklaus was smiling as he was leaning his head back, tilting it to look at the skies above them as the stars were twinkling like diamonds.

"Care for some blood pudding, my love?" Becca asked, wanting to get her mind off from the temptation that was calling for her. She knew that if she was to be civilized and not wanting to create a scandal when she was out with her husband, Becca needed to be the doting wife to Niklaus.

Since the Gossipers were looking over at their picnic mats.

"That would be lovely, my love," Niklaus replied before Becca took one slice of the pudding and handed it to him. He thanked his wife as she was pouring some blood-laced tea that has been prepared for their outing that night.

"Will you be eating it with me?" Niklaus said before Becca was smiling as she was scouting over to be closer to him. Nick smiled before he was gripping the fork and cut the pudding before holding it in front of her mouth. Becca's eyes twinkled before she was closing her mouth over the fork.

It was the most sensual thing that Nick ever watched in his life.

"That's delicious," she whispered before Nick was taking some of the blood pudding and ate it for himself. It was delicious nonetheless for the Cook has made sure that everything was perfect for the Duke and Duchess of Belikov. Then, he heard the talks that were circulating around the park as they were having their picnic while the Gossipers were looking, circling their picnic mat for more than it was appropriate than necessary.

"I think people are looking at us, Nick," Becca whispered, knowing that she did not want to create any rumor or tabloid against their peaceful outing. Nick sighed for he knew that he was the talk of the capital right now after his marriage to his wife. Becca, being the youngest and the wallflower of her siblings, was feeling self-conscious as she was trying to make sure that everyone was not looking at her.

Not that Niklaus blamed her for not wanting to be in the spotlight.

He took her hands as she was looking at the old ladies that were circulating the Royal Park. They did not have anything else to be done in their lonely, miserable lives other than talking about the tabloids, rumors, and gossips that might be coming and going around the capital as the Higher Court lords were making their appearances here and there as the court was in session.

"I am sorry, my love. It's my reputation that they were looking for, knowing that I have settled down with a wife and having a picnic with her in the open will be causing some talk in the capital later," he said as Becca was looking at him. Her green orbs were shining in the dim light that was coming from the gaslights that surrounded the park before she smiled at him.

"I hope that your reputation was not tainted with some scandal that I might find later," she said as she was arching her eyebrow. Niklaus laughed before some of the Gossipers were whispering to each other as they were looking at the newlyweds.

Surely, no one thought that Duke of Belikov would laugh with abandon in public.

"Hush! You will make a spectacle of us, my love," Becca said as she was frowning at him but a smile was plastered at her lips. Her kissable, red lips as she was biting her lower lips. Niklaus groaned inwardly before he was gripping her wrist and brought her hand to his mouth as he was kissing the knuckle. Becca was smirking at him.

"I see that you are eager to leave, my lord,"

"Why ever you would say so, my dear? Can't you see that I am enjoying the view of the park with my beloved? Surely you would not think that I would like to go home now," he replied before he was taking one of Becca's fingers into his mouth, sucking it slowly as his tongue was making erotic dance on it.

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