IX. Getting Dressed

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After Niklaus left Becca to her devices, she went through the adjacent door that was inside his room. If she knew that the chamber was the master chamber, no doubt that she slept in Niklaus' bed last night.

Becca shivered when she was thinking about this morning as she was dipping inside the bathtub as the maid was helping to scrub her clean. The maid was working diligently as she would scrub every inch of her skin before she was rinsed with a pail of lukewarm water and dried with a towel.

"Thank you. I will be attending to my duchess now," Niklaus' velvety voice was coming inside her eardrum before Becca closed her eyes.

Why does my husband have to be a duke? she mused before she turned to glare at her husband. The duke merely smiled at her as his blue orbs were gazing at her body up and down. "Shouldn't you be doing your tenants' payment right now or something?" Becca asked him as she was moving to the dresser to get ready. But of course, Niklaus was beside her in seconds.

"That can wait. I merely want to help my duchess to get ready for her day," Niklaus stated before he was picking up the chemise that Becca has to wear on her naked skin. She glared at her husband but the duke did not notice as she was turned and Niklaus was putting the chemise on top of her head.

"I can do this by myself," she mumbled before Niklaus' hands were grazing her nipples. They hardened instantly as Becca was breathing heavily. The towel was being removed before Niklaus was taking the stockings and pushed Becca to sit on the chair.

Niklaus kneeled in front of her before he was slipping the stockings up her legs as his roughened hands were grazing her silky smooth calves. Becca was looking at his blue orbs before Niklaus was smiling at her.

He was not affected as she was!

The stockings come close to her knees before the duke was securing the stockings with the garters. He wrapped it around Becca's thighs and tied them up. Becca was looking at his delicate, long fingers as he was securing the stockings.

"Now, for the shoes," he whispered before he was slipping the shoes on and Becca has to steady herself by putting her hands on his shoulders. It was broad and strong, something that Becca was not before Niklaus pulled her up and turned her around. "Onto the corset," he said before Becca was glancing over her shoulder.

"Do you know how to put one on, my lord?" She asked her husband as Niklaus chuckled.

"Of course, who do you take me for?'' He said before Becca was thinking about how would he know to put it on unless—

Becca shook her head, thinking about his mistresses in the past where Becca did not exist in his life yet. Do not get jealous, Becca. You hate the guy.

"This might be a little tight. Tell me when you stop," Niklaus whispered to her ear as she nodded. Then, the lacing began as Niklaus was pulling the lace of the corset before Becca told him to stop and that was the right length for her body to accept the corset. She just hoped that it was not too tight.

After the corset, Niklaus was helping to get the 5 petticoats onto her body as Becca was breathing hard. One layer after another and she was exhausted. How come her mother does this every day, she has no idea. The petticoats were on as well as the bodice and the pockets. Then, it was time for the gown.

"I think this piece will be done by your ladies' maid, my dear," Niklaus said before her ladies' maid that was helping her to bath earlier curtsied to Becca and Niklaus.

"Milady,'' she said as Niklaus was kissing Becca's left cheek. She was stunned before Niklaus winked at her.

"I will be waiting downstairs then," Niklaus stated before he was out of the room. Becca was touching at the place that he kissed earlier. It was tingling and Becca felt like her heart was beating right now.

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