VIII. Playing with Fire

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Niklaus was looking at his duchess who was swaying in his arms as Becca was trying to glare at him. But she failed when she was blinking her eyes and she was slurring again when she tried to reply to deny his claim on her right now.

"You're...lying..." she slurred as she was gripping his coat and pulled him closer to her sinful body. The tight corset was showing the ample bosom as Becca has been undoing her wedding gown after the last guest has gone. Niklaus gulped as his cock was stirring when she was looking with her green orbs at him.

He wanted to curse himself right now.

"Ah! I know what you're—" a hiccup, "thinking, Belikov," Becca stated as she was gripping his lapel now. "You're trying—" a hiccup, "to get under my skirts," Becca slurred before she was putting her delicate hand on his hard chest. Niklaus was breathing hard as he was looking at his duchess right now.

Control, Nick, control.

"I think you're drunk, my dear," Niklaus stated as he was holding Becca's hands into his. She frowned before she was trying to get her hands out of his grip.

"Get your hands off me, you dork," she stated as Niklaus was smirking at her. She did have a sassy mouth and Niklaus knew that she would defy him in every turn that she can. Even when she's drunk, Lady Rebecca Davis was defying him, Niklaus Dragomir, Duke of Belikov.

"Come now, we have to get you ready for sleeping," Niklaus stated as he was ushering Becca to the stairs. The estate was huge enough for Niklaus and Becca to not be disturbed but right now, Becca was making it hard for him to take her to the master chambers. Why? Because she was trying to release herself from him.

"Let me go, my lord," Becca stated as Niklaus was looking at her.

"It's Niklaus for you, Duchess. Or maybe, dearest or my love. But it would take a miracle for you to say that," Niklaus chuckled at his statement before Becca was quiet in his arms.

"Becca?" He asked before he was looking at a sleeping Duchess in his arms.

"You're...lying...Niklaus Dragomir," she mumbled in her sleep before Niklaus chuckled. He scooped her up in bridal style as her wedding gown was swooshing against his coat. Niklaus was looking at the sleeping lady in his arms before he was ascending the stairs as if his Duchess weighed nothing.

Of course, with Porphyria, Niklaus was not human anymore. He was a changed man. A rite of passage for every male gentry that was a secret to the peasants. They called it Rite of Blood for the adolescents that survived Porphyria.

Niklaus was one of those adolescents.

He walked the long hallway of his empty estate before he was entering the master chambers, his chambers before he was putting Becca on his bed. Niklaus was looking at Becca's sleeping face before he was chuckling. "I must be mad when I was thinking this marriage will be a loveless one," he mumbled before he was tucking Becca's black strand behind her ear. He was taking in her features; high cheekbones, long lashes, straight nose, and those full, kissable lips.

Lips that Niklaus only kissed once.

Something stirred inside him before Niklaus was reigning it in. Not yet, he mused to himself before he sighed. He turned to look at the divan that was in front of his bed before he thought of another idea. Becca was asleep. She would not mind if I was to share the bed with her tonight, nothing happened anyway, Niklaus mused before he was going into the dressing room before his valet was helping him out of his clothes as he was left in his shift.

"That would be all," Niklaus stated before the valet exited the room. He went to the bed to see that Becca was out of her wedding gown and was sleeping in her chemise.

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