XXIII. Planning to Get Away

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Becca was looking at the hard chest that she was caressing with her hands as Niklaus was sleeping soundly beside her. She sighed as she knew that she was still craving for his blood but she was too afraid to tell her husband that she wanted to feed again.

And she really wanted it so badly that she slipped away from the bed as Becca put on her bathrobe before she went out of their bedchambers. She sighed before making her way toward the kitchen that she knew was vacated for the servants will not be up for another few hours.

And the sunlight was highlighting their world while Becca was walking in shadows to avoid their contact. Another thing that she had to give up was when she was converted by her husband and soulmate.

Becca walked into the kitchen before she was making her tea. She put some water in a kettle and settled it over the fire that she made before waiting for it to boil. Then, she put some tea leaves in a teapot and waited at the counter until she sensed that someone was coming into the kitchen where she was alone.

"Oh! I did not know that you're up, milady. Should I be making something for you?" Becca turned to look at the servant girl that was barely ten and six. She was beautiful in her own charming way as she smiled at her.

"No, I'm just waiting for my tea to boil and I will be on my way," she replied before the maid was blinking her eyes at her.

"I could bring it to your chambers later if you don't mind,"

"No, that would be unnecessary. Besides, I am sure you have other chores to get done," she said before the maid blushed.

"Just call me if you need any assistance, milady. Then, I will be on my way," she said before she curtsied to Becca and went out of the kitchen. The water boiled before Becca took it over the fire and poured the hot water into the teapot. She stirred the tea before making her way toward their bedchambers. She opened the door and closed it before putting the tray on the night table as Nick was rolling on his side and looked at her with his blue eyes.

"Now I am wondering what are you doing out of our bed, my love, when you should be here when I woke up. But I see that you are doing something for me so I let it slide away for today," Niklaus said as he was smirking wickedly at her. Becca rolled her eyes before she removed her robe and poured him a tea naked as Nick was roaming his eyes on her body.

"And here I thought you looked angelic when you're sleeping and not the silver-tongued devil that you really are," Becca said before she handed him a cup. Nick thanked her before she sat at the edge of the bed and sipped on her hot tea. Niklaus was staring at her as he was smiling.

"Now, I don't know if you're pissed or you're just teasing me, my love,"

"Definitely the latter," she said before putting the teacup down as she was smirking at Nick. She took his teacup and set it aside. "Shall we continue our endeavor of pleasuring each other?" Becca said as she was licking his nipple. Nick groaned.

"You're the devil one for torturing me like this early in the morning," Niklaus said as he was cradling her head to his chest. Becca laughed.

"Well, I don't know what to say to that but you should know, I am a lesser evil devil than you are, my love," Becca said before she straddled her husband and kissed him. Nick was smiling in that kiss as he was gripping her hair.

"That you are," he whispered before they were giving in to their carnal desire as the set was setting on the horizon to welcome new dusk.


Niklaus was looking at the ledger that he has to deal with when all he wanted to do was to be in bed with his wife, making love, and just had a pillow talk with her. But alas, he had a duty for his people and tenants, hence why he was stuck in his private study as Becca was entertaining herself when she was sitting at the divan that was opposite to his desk.

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